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Everything posted by senile1

  1. I have a Humminbird DX200 that does the same thing when I'm planed. I've got an idea of what I'm going to replace it with but I just haven't done it yet. The transponder is being pushed up by the water and once it is at that angle, it becomes inaccurate. Sometimes, it won't even register a depth when I'm at full throttle.
  2. I mentioned unplugging the lights in the Boat Ramp Complaints thread. I have a 1987 trailer and I noticed that occasionally the lights would blow, so I started unplugging them. Ben, Skwerl, and the others are correct regarding the unplugging of lights. You shouldn't have to, but if you have an older trailer like mine, or for some reason you've replaced your lenses and they don't seal properly, you might want to consider it. I know a few guys with used boats and trailers who do this.
  3. Jim, It sounds like you've seen it all. When fisherman start brandishing guns, hunting people down and beating them, and ramming vehicles, etc. its getting way out of hand. I've been fortunate, because I haven't seen any of these things, but then, I'm not a Corps Ranger either. I didn't realize how dangerous your job could be. Interesting post.
  4. Russ010 said: Russ010, I see in your profile that you are 27 years old. You either (A) Have a pond or lake extremely close to your home, ( Have the most wonderful, understanding wife and/or kids, © Are single, (D) Have a job that relates to fishing, (E) Are independently wealthy, (F) Are living on the public dole, or (G) Some combination of all of the above. . . . . and I'm jealous.
  5. Gloomisman hit the nail on the head. Sometimes, rather than fishing for bass, my wife and I will go fishing for crappie. We'll find an out of the way place and take a picnic lunch with a few beers. These have been among some of the best trips I've had. Of course, for most of us, catching some fish makes it more fun. And since I fish mostly for bass, catching a big bass over 5 lbs, or catching a bunch of 2 - 4 lb'ers rates highly too.
  6. 2002 Toyota Tundra SR5 Extended cab, 4.7 liter V8.
  7. Go with Fluke's and Cart's suggestions and, in addition, study a map of Beaver Lake intently. The map will let you know that creek channels, underwater points, stumps, etc. are in a general vicinity. Then the c-rig will help you pinpoint this stuff. From the map, pick out a small section of the lake that appears to have the structure you are seeking and try to learn that section with the c-rig. And yes, this will take some time. You may even want to use a day just to search out an area with the c-rig and do nothing else. Who knows, you may get lucky and catch some fish while you're doing this.
  8. I drive 21 miles to get my boat from storage, and then 3 miles to the lake I fish most often. Our housing association won't allow us to park our boats in our driveway and my garage is full so I store the boat as close to the lake as I can. A small 22 acre lake is within approximately 20 miles of my home when I want to fish off the bank. A few small lakes are within 45 to 55 miles and then Truman Lake is 2 hours.
  9. I also prefer to drive on, but there are some lakes where it is posted that power loading is not allowed. At theese lakes I still see boats being driven on to the trailers. One time I asked a boater why he didn't just drive on and he told me that it was his first time at a lake that allowed and that it was not allowed on the lake he usualy fished and that he didn't feel confident enough to try it. BlueSky, that's interesting. I've been on many lakes that only allow trolling motors, but I still crank my outboard to trailer/de-trailer my boat. Once I'm off the trailer I shut it down and use my trolling motor. I assumed that this was OK. Are you talking about lakes that explicitly prohibit power loading? I've never seen this.
  10. Smithville Lake (06/09/06) I work in Gardner so I didn't get home until 6:00 pm. I made it to the lake by 7:00. I drove straight to the Trimble area, fishing the coves behind the trimble dam. There were alot of pleasure boaters out until I reached the trees. I caught three fish 15 - 18 inches long using a c-rig in 8 - 12 feet of water. I also caught a couple of 15s in the shallows just before sundown on a floating rapala, but was unable to get any bites on a spook. Lost a couple that looked decent in the shallows. They were swiping at the topwater baits but not hitting them full on. I fished a farm pond on Sunday but the owner only allows a few people so I guess a report on this is no good. Knocked 'em dead though.
  11. There are a number of people out there who need to read articles on boater etiquette. I always load up my boat, remove my straps, transom saver, and unplug my lights before I back my trailer down the ramp. Another thing that bothers me is returning boaters who park their boat on the inside of the pier. Boaters should always park on the outside of the piers until they back their trailer down the ramp. Otherwise they are blocking a spot for someone else to put their boat in. Last week I was bringing my boat in from the lake and I tied it to the outside of one of the piers so I could go get my truck and trailer. There are two piers and the two spots to put in your boats are between them on the inside. One guy was already using one of the spots to put in his boat. When I came back with my truck to back into the other spot, another returning boater had parked their pontoon boat on the inside of the pier blocking that spot. I was just about to give them a piece of my mind when the guy in the other spot finished up and pulled his vehicle away from the ramp. So I used his vacated spot instead. I understand pulling up and letting someone out to go get your trailer but these people had tied their boat off and shut it down.
  12. The Garmin 250c is a little more expensive because it's resolution is 320 x 320. The Eagle 320 and the Lowrance 67c, which are very similar in features, only have a resolution of 320 x 240. More pixels = more accurate picture. I've read nothing but good things about all of these for the price. For me the better resolution is worth the extra money. Actually the Eagle 320 has a 320x 320 resolution on a 5" screen on the non color version, the 320c has the 320x240 on a 3 1/2" screen. You're correct, Huskertko. My mistake. Thanks for the correction.
  13. Sonar is just a tool like anything else. Most of us use it to find underwater structure and cover that we would be unable to find otherwise. When its 100 degrees outside and the only fish biting are in the cooler depths, fishing without a depth-finder is like pulling straws. If you're 300 yards from shore there is nothing on the bank that you can depend on to tell you what the structure is like beneath your boat. If you happen to find a good spot, you haven't used instinct. This is just luck. Back in the 70s we fished without depth finders, but on a busy lake where everyone is beating the shallows, using a depth finder to fish deeper water is the only way to catch deep water fish on a consistent basis.
  14. The Garmin 250c is a little more expensive because it's resolution is 320 x 320. The Eagle 320 and the Lowrance 67c, which are very similar in features, only have a resolution of 320 x 240. More pixels = more accurate picture. I've read nothing but good things about all of these for the price. For me the better resolution is worth the extra money.
  15. Congratulations on your win, BassPro.! Thanks for the info. I'm going to try to get out there this weekend.
  16. I agree with you, Alfred. It's the record and no one's opinion is going to change that. I, personally, don't have a problem with it. It will eventually fall, and maybe then, people can stop debating the issue.
  17. alhuff, I thought I'd give you another thread where many expressed their opinions about the legitimacy of this picture. http://www.bassresource.com/bass_fishing_forums/YaBB.pl?num=1148412840
  18. Great replies from everyone. If you go to the fishing articles link on this site, you should find a slew of information regarding what lures to use at what times of the year and under specific weather and lake conditions. This will help you with deciding on lures to switch to. The forum is probably the best place to get specific info you need.
  19. I believe that's Marshall Tucker Band - Can't You See Next line: Can't you see, can't you see, what that woman, Lord, she been doin' to me. This is my last one. I've got to stop this. Religion and sex are power plays Manipulate the people for the money they pay Selling skin, selling God
  20. I'm from Northwestern Missouri where the record largemouth is 13 lbs 14 oz. The record smallmouth is 7 lbs 2 oz. I normally fish for largemouth. There are occasions where bass over 10 lbs have been caught in Lake of the Ozarks and Truman Lake. Generally, a bass of this size is mammoth in Missouri. Reports of 6 - 8 lb'ers are common every year in all of the bigger lakes and in farm ponds, but I myself have never broken the 7 lb barrier. This is frustrating, but I have every intention of changing this in the near future. 8-)
  21. Roger, Great post. I always like it when you and Jim give your take on particular technique's, etc. Though, you both might disagree on the reasons the big bass choose certain locations, the fact remains that there is still information to be gleaned from your posts that will help those of us who are lesser mortals. And when I read different viewpoints that are well-thought out it encourages me to research the issue for myself and develop my own opinion. Thanks.
  22. Jim, That's a very good post, full of information. I need to hone my deep-water bassing skills as well. Thanks for the info. This gets me anxious to get out on the water.
  23. The happy ones are near Let's get together before we get much older This is addictive. The Who - Baba O'Riley. Two eyes from the east, its the angel or the beast.
  24. Dead Kennedy's - California Uber Alles Soon I will be president This world is spinning inside me The whole world is spinning inside me Every day sends future to past
  25. I'm with Matt Fly. If they're catching them on Bluegill, get a Bluegill swimbait, or a large crankbait in Bluegill colors.
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