My apologies for being away for a while. I've been too bummed to get on Bass Resource and read or talk about fishing. The last 7 months have been quite eventful for me. On November 21st, 2018 I experienced a severe grade 3 tear of my left calf muscle while sprinting. It took over 4 months for all swelling to go down and I have been rehabbing it and am just now able to jog a bit.
While I was recuperating from the calf tear, I refinished my basement flooring and basement stair steps. During this time my right wrist and hand, which already had Keinbock's disease, became extremely painful waking me up 8 to 10 times a night. (Keinbock's Diease is the result of a broken lunate carpal bone in the wrist that dies and breaks into pieces, causing arthritis and damage to other wrist bones. I broke the lunate 38 years ago.) I ultimately had to get my right wrist fused on April 5th as the dead bones were removed and a plate with 8 screws was added to stabilize my wrist and allow my radius bone to grow into and fuse through my wrist to my hand. I have been in rehab to regain movement in my fingers. On June 12th, my x-rays confirmed that my wrist is fused and I could begin strengthening exercises for my right arm and wrist. My right hand grip strength tested at only 23 percent of my left hand on June 14th. I am right-handed.
I managed a trip to Table Rock in March before the operation, but I had the flu during that trip which limited my time on the water due to extreme chills and fatigue. Other than that, there has been no fishing for me. I have tried some casting in the backyard and can cast with an altered motion, though I can't do any long distance casts due to pain. I can't pitch with my right hand yet, so I have been practicing a left hand forearm cast. I can do that though it is far from the accuracy of my right hand pitch. With the fusion I lose the up/down and left/right wrist flexion but I still have supination and pronation functionality. I will have to alter my casting motion to account for this, as well as other things like picking and string muting with my right hand when playing guitar.
Anyway, I'm trying to rehab this as quickly as possible so I can get back on the water. I will probably try putting a line in the water in the next couple of weeks though I may still be questionable for boat handling. I have already started workouts with light dumbbells in my basement gym. The weakness of my wrist and forearm limits the weight I can use so that has to be strengthened first before using heavier weights, but it is still nice to do what I can. As always, there are people who have far worse problems than mine. Fortunately, mine is only temporary.