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About Max-in-Mn

  • Birthday 01/07/1983

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  1. Not the full game, but I was hooked on the demo for about 2 months. It's just so purrrrrrrty
  2. Well, you can start off with Mario Kart Wii and Mario Galaxy. Those 2 games alone will provide many hours of entertainment.
  3. I'd say crust and sauce, although, if the toppings are crap it doesn't matter
  4. Thank you Bassboss and Micro for the kind words
  5. Yep. I do!
  6. Hey this is awesome Russ! I am not sure if you remember, but about 3 years ago I made a thread about quitting smoking. I have been smoke free for 2 years now. I was also a real heavy smoker at 2+ packs a day. I can tell you that even after a year I still get the cravings here and there, but as soon as they come you just focus on something else and they go away quick. Like RW said, just never let your guard down as it is a life long battle! Best of luck to you, man
  7. I got less for my motor then I first expected, so my price range has dropped down to $300-400 range now. I have been looking at a few such as the Taurus 24/7 Pro 9mm, Taurus PT92 9mm, Ruger P89, and EAA witness. I would like something that is full size, high capacity, and 9mm.
  8. Alright, thanks guys. Turns out it wasn't such a low ball offer after all!
  9. I wasn't sure where to ask this, so I figured I'd try here. Anyhow, I am sadly selling my motor. It is a 1996, 9.9HP, 2 stroke Evinrude. Short shaft, pull start, forward, neutral, reverse, and a kill switch. Cosmetically there is just some scratches, but nothing major. Has pretty low hours and it has always started first or second pull and no issues. I have it listed now at $900 OR best offer. Some guy just offered me $650 which I think is just too low, but maybe I am wrong? Any help on this is greatly appreciated! Thanks
  10. Completely agree. In fact, I just said to myself "what kind of bleeping idiot lets their 8yo son shoot a fully auto weapon!?". Maybe that is harsh, but this is the first time I read about this and it is quite upsetting.
  11. Yea, it is a pretty dumb law here because first I need to go to the Police station and do the background check, and then when I go to buy the gun they do the same darn check! It is honestly just a waste of time and money.
  12. I am not sure exactly what defines it, but I know some guns on the list are "military style" guns such as, AR-15, AK-47, Famas, FN FAL, etc. @Jax. Yeah, I have not decided what to get yet. I only have about $400-500 to spend so I can't get anything super nice, but hopefully something decent. It will be used mostly for target stuff and maybe to carry hiking sometimes.
  13. Hey fellas, Looking to buy my first handgun and I just have 2 simple questions about the permit form {needed to buy handguns and assault rifles in MN}. It says I need to fill out the entire form or it will be denied, however, there is a section asking for dealer information and I have not decided where I am actually going to purchase the gun from. What should I do about that? Secondly, once I have the permit is it only good for one purchase, or can I buy more handguns/assault rifles until it expires? Here is the PDF of the permit form if you want to see it. Thanks! http://www.bca.state.mn.us/Forms/Documents/MNUniformFirearmApp.pdf
  14. The best under $100 rod that I have personally used, is the Shimano Clarus. I only own 1 right now, but I plan to fill out the rest of my arsenal with Clarus rods, they are built that well! Over the counter lifetime warranty on them, too.
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