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  1. Good luck to you. I have been trying to get out myself but I am waiting a the title for my boat to come it and the wind hasnt stoped blowing in atleast a week.(Its not a breeze neither I am talking 50 mph winds)
  2. I appreciate the help I got it off under the console but I cant get it to slide out of the motor. I got it all the way out but about an inch and then it sticks. Where would be a good place to order one? Thanks for the help
  3. Hello my name is David and I use to get on this site atleast twice a day and kinda got away from fishing but I am back and hope to be able to share some fishing stories and learn alot. I just got a new to me boat, I bought a 1991 cajun 162z before I had a 14 ft aluminum v-hull with a 45 hp merc. I fish West Texas.
  4. I have a 1991 Cajun 162Z and was wondering if anyone has ever had any dealings with removing the steering cable? I can figure out how to get it off the motor but under the steering wheel is what I cant figure out.
  5. Probably the best fight I had with a fish was last year and it was probably the biggest bass I have caught. It was at lake Alan Henry it was awsome I was realing a bass magic shad and the water clearity was about 3 ft and I could see the bait and out of the brush and hit so hard and I was yelling at the guy with me to get the net when I got this bass to the boat it was probably 6 to 8lbs man it was great, I looked around and all the people in boats around us were looking at us and laughing. I didnt realize how loud and excited I was. Last year was the first year I really got back into fishing and the first time I really had any luck catching anything.
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