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About Froggin

  • Birthday 10/18/1981

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  • Location
    Carson, Virginia

Froggin's Achievements


Minnow (2/9)



  1. If you are talking about the tourneys out of whippernock...good luck...that d**n lake is tuff and can make a grown man cry....with that said..I will see you there ;D....just hoping one day I can turn it around...
  2. Anyone having any luck out there....We have been struggling out there....With the water level dropping and the temperature rising it has become very tough for us...Just wondering if anyone has had any luck lately... Doug
  3. I understand what you are saying tommy but for me I would rather give my bass boat a little throttle and ease it up then hook the winch and put that much strain on the fiberglass. My boat is a 99 procraft and with her age I take many precautions. I also have a tracker grizzly that I have no problem cranking up. It is much lighter and easier to work with. I understand that if people are doing this to show off but for me with the ramps I use I load with the motor. I never stomp it just enough gas to get me up.....Just my 2 cents.....
  4. I have always backed the trailer in deep enough to wet the bunks then pulled up so that the boat will center. Then just give it a little throttle and all is done. For me the deeper the trailer the more problems I will have. I have witnessed some disasters.
  5. My usual pattern had been topwater in the morning over stumps. Then I skipp docks....The farther you get it up under the dock usually the better...We fish Pea Hill most of the time... Good Luck
  6. Thanks for the help Sam and Aluma-Bass!!!
  7. Anyone!!
  8. Does anyone have any info on the thursday tourneys out of whippernock marina on lake chesdin...Like when they start, price and other info...Thanks for any info..... Doug
  9. Anyone know what it took to win the fishers of men tourney out of seven springs today...I was out on the water as well and it was pretty tough... Froggin
  10. A friend and myself watched a foreign couple back there old boat into the water with a big old A-Team van.....they stop once the boat and trailer are backed into the water...the couple get out of the van walk around the van and PULL the pin on the hitch and the boat and trailer go in....if you could have seen there face when the boat and trailer rolled slowly into the water....i think i wet myself i was laughing so hard.... ;D
  11. Here is the pic of the bass.. http://i990.photobucket.com/albums/af28/d_0069/6lb1ozonsandyriver.jpg
  12. I have posted numerous pictures without a problem but when I tried to post a pic of the bass I caught a sandy river it keeps telling me to go through the browse window and do it again for security purposes. It just keeps telling me that over and over. I have tried from my home computer and my computer at work with no luck...Anyone heard of this... Thanks Doug
  13. I tried posting a pic of the 6lber but it keeps saying "if you had an attachment in your post, you will need to reselect the attachment again in the browser box for security reasons" I do this and it just keeps saying it...I try again later.....
  14. Naw none off the bed....but we had water at briery reach 59 in middle and north end of lake and sandy was anywhere from 58-63....All fish were caught real tight to wood at sandy and a jerkbait at briery...
  15. Me and two buddies started out at briery fishing from 7-11:30AM and caught 11 bass with the biggest being 2.5 lbs....We then at lunch at the hitch-n-post and then went to sandy....We fished from 1-5:30PM and caught 13 bass with the biggest going 6 lbs 1 oz...Great day with a total of 24 bass.....
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