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Everything posted by senko_77

  1. NIke Lunar GLide
  2. There are a lot of really good teams in the NHL this year. I think that Vancouver, Washington, and San Jose have the deepest teams and if they are running on all cylinders, I think one of them can take it. Besides, all three of them are due for a cup. As far as who I wanna win, then it's a toss up between Atlanta and Boston. Been a Bruins fan my whole life but man, Atlanta is finally getting fun to watch. I've dealt with their awfulness for way to long.
  3. mmmmm....that Spro Bronzeye Frog is making me crave that warm weather. I can't wait to get back on the frog game next year when it warms up a bit. Thanks for the review.
  4. wait....what happened to rw?
  5. The Spro Little John is a baaaaaaaad little bait for shallow cranking. The wiggle is tight and it comes right through cover. It really shines for me coming through the grass. Sometimes if I want a little bit of a bigger profile I will use the Timber Tiger. That thing comes through wood like nothing else.
  6. Dude, great post. Congrats on the grand salami, Big Al!!!! -Ronald Martin
  7. Just wait for those winky dinky spots to get bigger. Might change your mind. I freakin love spots. They are superior to the largemouth in every way. I'm a Lanier boy and it has really shown me how fun it is to be on a spot lake
  8. Rand, there available here.... http://fishatl.com/swimbait.html worth every penny
  9. Sorry for your loss Captain. I lost my fishing mentor and tournament partner to prostate cancer a couple years ago. Still can't believe it happened. Definitely keeping you in my thoughts!
  10. Fish barbless hooks. I've completely switched over to barbless and it's great. I don't lose and fish and the hook comes out of the gullet real easy. No dead fish = bigger checks
  11. No hate at all, but this is the funniest thing I have seen on here in awhile! ;D ;D ;D ;D
  12. Yeah main. It digs a lot easier and rather than it slipping against itself, it grips. I HATE throwing braind in tournaments because you have to dig it out after every fish/hang up
  13. Wayne, Loomis is so overrated. I'm about to post my review and when I tested it, I felt the same thing. This thing is as good if not better than Loomis IMO
  14. No way man. Keep the carp on there. Your my favorite poster on this site because of all those awesome Koi you get into. Nice fish dude. I've had a pretty slow year, size wise. I would kill for a couple more in that range before 2010 wraps up
  15. x2. These are the 2 things I throw at the schoolers. I like using the Super Flue in Smokin Shad and a Spro Aruku Shad or Aruku Shad Jr. in the Perch color.
  16. I'm not really into deep cranking, but I love to throw a shallow crank. Just keep changing baits until you get bit. It can be anything from depth, bill shape, color, temp, etc. that is preventing you from catching them. Keep on keepin on and it will come together
  17. I didn't read any of the replies so this may have been said, but you need to get that braid off of there asap. It's the WORST thing to learn a baitcaster with. Go to Wal-Mart and get yourself one of those big spools of Renegade Monofilament for like $4. Spool it up and backlash your heart out. If you can't pick out the backlash, cut it out, and respool with your new 2000yd roll of line that cost $4 rather than $20+ for the braid. Also try turning your hand to the side as you cast. It will help you learn to "feather" the spool as the bait is traveling through the air. Other than that, just practice a lot. Good luck my friend
  18. Kent, he didn't realize they were getting moved to this section. You guys can't just move them without explanation, people don't realize where it went. In his eyes they were disappearing. He even called me to ask about it,
  19. Cart, you aren't allowed to use a jet in FLW or BASS, Real freakin stupid rule, ain't it?
  20. I used to use the heck outta the Wiggle Wog when I was younger. I don't know why I stopped throwing it. I still have a few left. That thing was sick. Wayne - I'm diggin that mod you do to the frog. I'm gonna have to try that!
  21. C'mon Nice_Bass, if your gonna try to rip me, at least do it in a way that it doesn't take me 5 minutes to realize what you were trying to do. Go back and edit your post so it gets it out of my post and people will be able to see what you were trying to say. Oh and I was just wondering......how is KVD doing right now?
  22. Del-Mart molds with make you laser cut, aluminum custom molds. They are pricey, and take a little extra time to make, but they last a lifetime and your baits will always come out with the glossy finish. I also order all my material from Del-Mart, but you can also find it other places like Barlows and Jann's Netcraft.
  23. I'm sure that has nothing to do with it...................................... : Dink, I hope I don't come across as rude, but I think I made it real clear in my post that...... 1. I was a Spro fanatic wayyyy before I ever knew them on a business level. They contacted ME after my BFL success using their baits and asked if we could work something out. So please don't label me if you don't know the facts. 2. For Iceintheviens to try ALL the brands and see which one he likes. Why in the world would I tell him to try all of them if I didn't feel that the Spro frog was the best on the market? If I didn't think it was, and I was just trying to push a sponsor, wouldn't you think I would be hesitant because he would find another brand to be better? Again, I hope this doesn't come across as rude or ignorant, I just wanted to address your reply to my post
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