dremel, hobby knifes(exacto), wood working knives, h&h screw in eyes, split rings, treble hooks, markers, paint, wood(balsa or red cedar), and most important.....sandpaper in 100-400 grit
1) take and cut a block of wood that you want to be the size of the top water, i prefer 2 inches long and about 1inch wide to start.
2) make a line down the middle of the block of wood. make sure it is DEAD center. the is important to the balance of the bait.
3) use the knives to take chunks of the wood to make a crude finished shape, and to the taper towards the butt of the lure
4) now use the dremel to take off the edges and make it nice and round. it doesnt have to be glassy smooth, but take out all the chunks and nitches.
5) now go to work with the sandpaper. use 100 grit and work your way to 400 grit. at this point it will be so smooth you probally cant hold it. no just playin but it is smooth.
6) shape the mouth however you please, whether it be popper, chugger or walk the dog.
7) paint the lure with a paint brush or air brush. airbrush makes the paint look more professional. then add a clear coat of water proof whatever.
8) add the screw in eyes, split rings and hooks.
9) examine your masterpeice and go where um out with it
note: i have found that nailpolish from the dollar store can make some kick butt paint jobs. they sell every color for a buck. another alternative for the clear coat is a clear color from sally hansons hard as nails. this is the clear coat i use. it works great.
be creative and have fun. and post your pics on it later