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Everything posted by senko_77

  1. I have had fishing in my blood since I was little because my dad and I always use to go blue, striper, tautog, and flounder fishing in the ocean when I lived in Rhode Island, but when I moved down here, I went fishing with my still to this day best freind and his dad (who was at one time pro), and they took me out at night to throw buzzbaits. From the second the bass blew up on my buzzbait, I was a bass fisherman. Couldn't get enough of it.
  2. Man what a nice fish. Shame that you kept it so that you could display it to everyone but it's entirely your choice and I dont think badly about you because of it. This question is not only geared toward you, but to anyone that would keep a trophy bass. Its not an attack, just a question. Why keep a trophy bass. Why. It has survived that many years so let it live longer. Get a replica and get some pictures. My biggest fish is 14.7lbs which would have put me in second place for the junior all tackle world record, but if I had of gotten it official, my fish would have died. The thought absolutely never crossed my mind to keep it. Not once. I cannot bring myself to kill an animal of that beauty just so I can say well my name is in some book in ink, and so that I can show it off to my freinds. It makes me sick to see when people keep such a fish. There is absolutely no reason for it unless the fish has died by the time it has reached your hands. A replica is just as good and has more benefits than a live mount. But once again, just stating my opinion and askin questions. No attack on anyone. Bring on the bashin!! Ryan
  3. qoute from JTbassman..... WOW IGNORANCE AT ITS FINEST. I used to think the same thing about spotted bass, I used to be just as (spot prejudice) as you. Then my dad and I weighed in 15 pounds of spotted bass a couple of weekends ago, take home a couple thousand dollars, I changed my mind. I know what you're thinking Chris- by god i'll catch 15 pounds of fish in one cast, because you've made it very clear that you are world friggin' renowned as far as catching big fish goes. But for the tournament fisherman, spotted bass can be a very efficient way of filling your limit and winning the tournament. Now as far as taking over the lake and taking all the food from the largemouth. Largemouth have just as much of a chance of surviving as spots. A largemouth is a very different fish and prefers different habitat and forage. I've seen (dead lakes) fill up with spots and all of a sudden the resident largemouth just boom, the reason- competiiton. The little yearling largemouth will fight just as hard as the little spots and they will find a way to make it through, after all, a largemouth lives longer and has a faster growth rate than a spot. So basically your big fish will be just fine, because they prefer forage bigger than most of those pesky little spots, and the little largies will find a way, because after all it is nature, and in nature they live together. This was about the stupidest post I have ever seen. Some great points, but you took it WAY to far. Ever since Fish_Chris has gotten here, he has done nothing but put excellent advise on upping the size of your catch. I have learned so much from his posts. There always super informative, and everytime I read one it makes me wanna go out there and get a good one. I'm sure alot of people are gonna bash you for this one! grow up, if your gonna make a point, make it nicely Ryan
  4. you better beleive I would because if I break my state record, then I have the new world record.
  5. ouch!! did you run away, or did u jump in the water or did they just think you had enough stings
  6. I am completly a cold water person. My numbers and size are way up compared to summer. I like how you feel slow and unable to move quickly. It FORCES you to slow waaayyy down. The only thing I dont like is how the bulky clothing limits your movements. I also love cold because people go in early, and alot dont catch any at all so it makes me feel good that I usually tough it out and catch them when others cant. Now I know LBH is gonna come in here and bash me because when I was up in RI with him we night fished in may and it was freezing and windy and nasty, and I am all decked out in clothes and he's in about a short and t-shirt.....good times russ O my name was susan or was it nancy after that trip. I dont remember. Also, make sure you get some good gloves in that clothing line ;D
  7. Well keep workin at it and keep chunkin it out there. You will eventually get a good one. But like I said, really look into upgrading the size of your presentation to eliminate alot of the smaller bites. It seems like you are locked on to catchin a bigger fish, so I think you have the patience for fishing for that "one bite"
  8. have you really had success with those things!?!? I am about to start selling my hand pours in a local tackle shop that carries them. I wasnt sure if I was holding a senko or a metal rod. Those things were stiff as a board.
  9. Absolutly not!!! your just going through a dink spell. First off, alot of fisherman would love to go out and just consistently catch fish, regardless of size. And second, before I hooked into my 14.7, I had caught constant dinks for like a month and a half. I'm talkin nothing over 2lbs. Then boom, my lure gets placed in front of a big one and my dink spell is over. Keep fishing, and eventually you will come across a big one. Why dont you try some techniques that are more geared toward better size fish, like an upsized senko, jig, ledgebuster spinnerbait, or 10in. or greater worms. These will elimate most of the bites from smaller fish and will up your odds at a bigger one. Hope this helps
  10. my favorite for skipping would be a 1/16 or 1/8 oz taco jighead with a strike king 3x trick worm superglued on. I stands STRAIGHT up and the glue makes it so it doesnt slide down the hook at all. hope this helps. Also, the senko is a great skipping bait, so your problem may be that the docks you are fishing may just not hold big fish. Look for the oldest docks you can find, and also, dont just fish under the dock, sometimes people throw things off the end of the dock, so back way off and throw at the end of the dock and bring it into deeper water. I cant tell you how many times my size of the fish I was catching has increased as I backed off the dock
  11. the best times in hot weather is morning before the sun gets up, and evening when the sun goes down. The bass will move up shallow and feed all night. IN the daytime you need to fish deeper, because thats where the majority of the fish will be. You can find fish in the shallows if there is structure that provides them with shade.
  12. the best replica of a real senko would be a hand pour
  13. is the wood pressure treated or marine plywood or just standard plywood?
  14. my best day was when I caught my 14.7, because I caught some 2's and 3's with it that day. That day my best 5 was probably in the 21lb range. My best day not rec fishing was when I was prefishing for a tournament on blackshoals and me and my freind mike caught around 17lbs on flukes
  15. whenever I think of it, it brings a smile to my face. I always like fishing but never really went except in the ocean, so my freinds dad took me and him to a little pond and rigged us up with buzzbaits. I thought they were the most insane thing I have ever seen. Anyway, it was nightime, and all the sudden BAM. Fish on. Only was like lb, but I was hooked that second
  16. if the deal with crawchuck doesnt work out, call Del at del-mart molds. They make INCREDIBLE custom molds. his molds last forever, and the shine that comes on your baits after you pour doesnt wear out over time. There molds are meant to last a lifetime. Give him a call and talk it over with him
  17. I'll take it to my hoss lake. Will get a 10 and rub that keychain all over the fish. It will be nice and lunkered up for clay
  18. I would alternate between a horny toad and senko. also, drop a jig into the vegetation in the deeper water
  19. I would definatly wanna fish with Fly_Rod just for the insane laughing that would go on.
  20. WOW. I must suck at fishing. On an average most of my fish are in the 1-2lb range. Im not really an in between fisherman. I usually will catch them up to around 3lbs. then i wont catch many in the middle, and then i get monster. My tourny fishin partner mike never catches monsters, but consistently catches them in the 3-6lb range. But it sounds like I may be fishing at the wrong lakes, because i never go out and have days were most of my fish are over 2lbs.
  21. In the morning I like to throw topwaters such as poppers and buzzbaits in flats, because in morning is when those fish will come up there to feed, and a topwater is a good way to cover alot of water fast.
  22. thats pretty sweet dude. hope it works
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