What a great post! I can't wait to see some of the replies.
I started fishing about 3 or 4 years ago. The biggest change I've seen is the transition from the majority of the bass world power-fishing, to mostly finesse fishing. I went through the same change.
I've definately upgraded my gear. Not so much tackle, but more rods and reels. I basically stick with the same tackle so that I always get better at that tenchique and I dont have to get to caught up in lure selection and colors and all that jazz.
Technology has helped, but the technology was already there, it just took me some time to learn how to use it to catch more fish. By technology I'm talking about electronics and also about using the internet
Fishing hasn't changed who I am, but it has changed what I do. I am who I am and I will always be, but I fish ALOT. My weekends are taking up by tournaments and my weekdays are taken up by work and pre-fishing for the tournaments...basically, all my gf's hate me!
I'm fishing way different then when I first started. I have a boat now, and my whole arsenal of techniques has been fine-tuned to better suite the way I like to fish. It used to be where I would chunk whatever lure looked but now I establish patterns and stick to my guns.
I consider myself a full-time tourmanet angler. lol. I absolutely love the thrill of tournaments but I also really appreciate the times on the water where I can relax and just have a good time. My friends parents always ask me why I would wanna pay an entry fee to fish.....they just dont understand
Fishing becomes more fun everytime I go out. Sure there are days on the water where I'm stressed because I cant find them, but everytime I come home from a trip, and I start thinking about the day, what I could have done, how I absolutely killed them, etc. it just makes me wanna get back out on the water even more
Fishing has definately improved my life. I have had some serious family hits in the last few years and fishing has always given me an outlet to just let my mind wander away from reality and to vent some things. I dont know what I would do without being able to do that and I've also met some great people through fishing that have changed my life. I'm very appreciative to god for allowing me to get involved with the sport.
When I first started, it was a hobby...now, it is a lifestyle