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Everything posted by senko_77

  1. +1 on that. Please be extremely careful when your using the muratic acid. it is very strong and if it's mixed wrong, will spit out and sizzle. also, it can seriously burn your skin in just a few moments if it gets on you. wear eye protection, and if possible, a respirator...it will choke you up good if you get to close to it
  2. Redline - ROFL
  3. This may be takin it over the top....but it bugs me when people lie to make people feel bad for them or to make a situation seem different than it is. This site will prove that Captains claim of his county sharing 1 cop with another is not true.....http://www.co.juniata.pa.us/
  4. Don 't know if you are trying to be funny or what, but your suggestion is absurd and ridiculous. Tipptruck: "Excuse me sir , Mr judge, your honor, ya see, them kids were playing with me tools so I decided to beat them" Mr Judge: "well sir Mr Tipptruck you are accused of beating & assault " And Mr Tipptruck ends up paying a fine and goes to jail for listening to The Captain 's advice. RW 's advice is worthy of be taken in consideration, put a stop before it starts. RW's advice is good, however, I have to respectfully disagree with you on the fight. I'll bet you one thing: if people are stealing his tools, and he pops them one, I'll bet they won't bother his tools again! Well yall have obviously never been to Juniata county PA, we could all care less we is just a bunch of frikkin rednecks and the whole county and another ocounty share 1 cop cause we can't afford to pay salary so we just don't give a crap about fights or who is in them mainly because of the races and all them dang drunks!!!!! You obviously live in a dream world, or you've gotten your tail whipped pretty good a number of times and the small town with gangs thing is your excuse for why it happened. There is absolutely no way you have 1 cop for 2 counties
  5. So far you've got some great info! If I were on the bank, I would continue to hit those points and the cover you said you have already found. Although the shad are migrating, there are still a majority that will stay on your spots. I would also just cover water. Although the surface is calm, WW3 could being going on underwater. The more water you hit, the better chance you have of hitting the awesome fall feeding frenzies. Also, keep an eye out on the surface. Sometimes you can see bubbles rising together. And while sometimes it's just the bottom, if the group of bubbles start moving, it usually indicates that a school of shad are below. Also, shad will come up to the surface and sorta "nip" at the top. You will see little swirls. These are shad feeding on the plankton on the surface. Anywhere you see these schools of shad, there will be bass close by. And lastly, use the wind to your advantage. I've caught so many fish on the bank by fishing the windy side of a point or hump, or paralleling a wind-blown bank. My favorite bait in fall is a lipless crankbait. I would suggest a Bill Lewis Lures Rat-L-Trap in 1/2oz in the Diamond Dust color, or the Yo-Zuri Rattl N' Vibe in Baby Bass. I throw these to baits almost exclusively in fall Hope this helps and good luck
  6. I agree with Chris. The 4x4 crankbait made by Whittler here on the forums is absolutely awesome at combing shallow water. I CANNOT get it hung up in even the gnarliest shallow cover. I've got some real good un's ever since I've been throwing that bait. The other thing about Whittler's baits are the custom paintjobs. I had a tournament last March where I knew I would need a shallow running crankbait. I found a color I liked for the lake and Whittler had it to my door before tourny day.
  7. The advice you've gotten so far is all good stuff. I just wanted to add one more thing to it. Sometimes a fish will inhale your lure and it will feel really "mushy"....sorta like your in grass. That just goes along with the, if it feels different, set the hook. Another thing to is sometimes a fish will be running at you and it feels like you have to reel up alot more slack than you did the last time you picked up your worm. In that case, set the hook also.
  8. I believe there is a bait called the Mann's ghost. It sounds like the lure your describing. Good luck finding it
  9. Well my answer is coming from my perspective of if I were in a tournament. If it were my primary spot, and I knew the fish were still there, I would try and hit some different parts of the water column. You may have them on a hump and in practice they were suspended and feeding heavily, and now on tournament day, there nose down and skittish. If I had other water that I knew held qaulity fish, I would take off after 30 or 40 minutes and see if my other spots are holding the active bass, and if that wasn't the case, then I would come back and try and figure them out on the primary spot. This is completely contradictory, but I caught my PB fishing a spot for over an hour before I caught her. I guessed there were fish there, but I had plenty of other spots to fish. But for some reason I just kept at it and I was blessed with a fish of a lifetime. Always go with what your gut tells you. If you do that, and it works, great. But if it doesn't, your still at peace with yourself knowing that you did what you thought was right.
  10. I had bought a few packs about a year or so ago. I never really slayed the fish with them, but I do remember it seemed like I would get more bites when I fished the bait backwards. I fish the GYCB Kreature backwards to, so I dont know if it was because I had more confidence with it backwards, or if it just had better action.
  11. Kinda hard to hide a Hummer You can hide a hummer, just make sure the table cloth is long enough ;D ;D That could easily be the funniest reply I have seen on BR. I seriously laughed non-stop for 5 minutes. - Good one SPEEDBEAD
  12. Happy B-day Matt. Take that new bike, hit the trails, find ya an untouched honey hole, and stick the NJ state record. Hope you had an awesome B-day!
  13. I mainly use the Zoom trick worms on my shaky head. I've used the Zoom worm on the dropshot, but the majority of my drop shot fish have been caught using Roboworms in the 4" and 6" models. I've used the Roboworms on a shaky head before with some success, but I would rather use the trick worms. Hope this helps
  14. I really like the Paca chunk and the Zoom super chunk jr.
  15. Do you work for UPS, because I could have sworn you were staring at my package. Good luck Justfishin
  16. LOL. Muddy, you shouldn't be to concerned about me. The real problem is gonna be when LBH put's his advice on here. Just wait......
  17. Man, your missin out BIGTIME. Even though most of the horizontal movement is robbed, there are some times when dragging a 5" green pumpkin senko with a 1/4oz green pumpkin 1/4oz Tru-Tungsten weight is unbeatable. I also like to pitch it up to shallow stumps when the waters muddy. Hope this opens so more senko doors for you
  18. +1 well said justfishin
  19. I've narrowed down all my trap fishing to 3 baits. Each one having a specific job. For shallow water I love the Bill Lewis Rat-L-Trap in 1/4 and 1/2oz in Diamond Dust and Chart/Black back For covering water or getting slightly deeper in the strike zone I always go with the Yo-Zuri Rattl N' Vibe in Baby Bass....this bait has been my biggest Vibe bait producer in the last 2 years, and for some reason I get more strikes when really burning this bait than when I use a normal retrieve like I would with the Lewis Rat-L-Trap. And when I'm crashing the bait through grass or timber I always go with the Spro Aruku Shad in Perch with the stock hooks changed to just one #1 Gamakastu treble on the front of the bait. The Spro is unbelievably effective at coming through grass. Also, what kind of rod does everyone use when your fishing traps (power & action)? I've always read that a Medium power with a real soft tip is best but I've lost alot of fish using a rod with those specs because it seemed like I couldn't keep the fish down and they would shake the hook when they came up. Once I switched to a 7' MH my landing ratio went way up because it seemed like I could control the fish better and get them to the boat faster.
  20. I do what Vyron does but instead of a #2 I go with the #1 and it's always a Gamakatsu. It doesn't make it completely snagless, but it will reduce the hang-ups by a good margin. Hope this helps
  21. While the Tru-Tungsten jigs are AWESOME, the rattle is a serious problem. I've always questioned there decision with adding that stupid thing. You did what I do when you removed it. The rattle isn't loud anyway so I don't think it makes to much of a difference.
  22. Attaboy Jay! What a great fish. That thing looks WAY bigger than 8lbs. It sounds like a mighty fine day indeed
  23. decided to get a gf, and i got on my space and facebook WAYYYYYYY to much
  24. Sounds like an awesome trip Muddy. Those smallies have some shoulders don't they! Congrats on the new Smallie PB
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