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Everything posted by senko_77

  1. Another thing to is to make sure you are using an Extra Wide Gap hook like the E.W.G. series from Gamakatsu. A regular round bend hook will impede your hooksets with a bait like the fluke. As other members have said, a MH will help drive the hook a bit better, but I don't see why a Medium won't cut it. A medium power is what I throw my flukes on, but I tend to set the hook really hard. Hope you figure it out and hook up with that pig
  2. Here's 2 modifications you can make that might help your hook-ups. T-rig it like normal, but before sliding the hook point into the belly of the fluke to make it straight, slide a treble hook over the hook point, then continue the rigging. The treble will slide freely up and down the hook shaft, but won't fall off because both ends of the hook are covered by plastic. Another way to rig it is to take a 1/0 or 2/0 worm hook and nose hook the fluke. Hook it just like you would a drop shot. When a fish hits, theres not plastic to drive the hook point through, so a simple reel sweep set will get them everytime. Theses rigging methods are only effective if you're fishing moderate to zero cover. The nose hooking rig will work somewhat in grass, but other than that, stick to the conventional way unless it's open water. Good luck. Sorry you lost that pig! It sounds like your on an awesome population of fish. Keep at it and you'll get that PB in no time.
  3. Phelps is an athlete. He WILL find a way to win 8 golds and set 8 wr's. He didn't train as hard as he did the last 4 years to duck out on the last race. He can see the finish and there ain't nobody that's gonna stop that train
  4. Now that is a qaulity solution
  5. Oh how I've longed to see an "Avid" pic. Looks like that fish has an attitude
  6. AVID!!! Welcome back. You've been missed! This forum is gonna get turned upside down with you and Muddy being back
  7. Peasey, even though it seems to you that your aeration system is working well, I strongly suggest you consider running it non-stop rather than the 5 minute cycles. That may work for 1 or 2 small keepers, but a freshly landed 5 or 6lber uses ALOT of oxygen. Running it so little may keep your fish alive, but they could be seriously oxygen deprived. Running an aerator all day takes barely anything from a battery, but saves your fish from delayed mortality, IMO. Sorry to hijack your thread, Basshole.
  8. Wow. I wasn't expecting that, but thats a really cool concept. I won't be buying any, but I hope the company does well.
  9. Oh man. I got all excited when I saw the title of this post. A modified trap is one of my go-to baits all year. A regular trap will work just fine, but here are a few of the mods that I have found to be most effective for me. 1. When fishing heavy vegetation or when targeting fish 5+lbs, remove the back hook permanently and replace the front hook with a Gamakatsu #1 treble. This will make the traps run more vertically and it won't hang up in grass nearly as bad as a trap with a hook on the back. The bigger hook deals with bigger bass better and helps improve the disgustingly bad percentage of big fish lost on stock hooks. 2. This is one of my biggest secrets that I haven't shared with many. Drill a small hole in the back of a trap and empty out all of the small bb's inside. Replace then with Tungsten Carbide ball bearings that can be found at most hobby shops. The tungsten ball has a lower "knocking" sound that is completely different than the high pitched screaming noise that most traps have. This modification works especially well on lakes that get hammered by lipless cranks. 3. Replace the back treble with a small ball bearing swivel and a very small willow leaf spinnerbait blade. When you burn a bait with this mod, the tail kicks out like a shads tail. 4. As Crankybaits said before, some of my most productive Rat-L-Traps have no paint on them. Experiment with different ammounts of paint removal ranging from just a little, to no paint at all. Hope this helps you out a bit Good luck!
  10. I work a shaky head like a texas rig, but I just work it alot slower. Alot of people shake the fire out of the "shaky head" because they think that is why it is called that, but my best results have been very small lift and drops and every so often given it a few jiggles on slack line. For the drop shot, I usually fish it vertically and when it hits the bottom, I will shake and pause, shake and pause on slack line. When I'm casting it out and fishing it horizontally, I work it just like the shaky head. Good luck!
  11. Sweet story CJ. I'm sure it's one you wont ever forget. You da man Gavin!!
  12. I worked at Bass Pro. I will never work there again. Terrible hours and terrible treatment to there employees. Why should they treat you good? They have 7000 people lined up behind you that want your job. Who cares about customer service. For every customer they lose, 2 more take there place. I hate Bass Pro Shops and refuse to shop there. Support mom and pop stores that actually care about customer satisfaction.
  13. One of my favorite movies.... When he calls that 3rd strike before the ball even reaches the plate...god I laugh so hard. I will rewind it over and over again. I also love the part when there showing baseball bloopers to entertain the crowd before the game. The guy slides into 2nd and get's attacked by a tiger. LOL...."HOW ABOUT THAT"
  14. Wow...... I cannot believe you recieved these kind of emails. LOL. I was cracking up at that second one. I'm sure it is an insult to you. It sure would offend me.
  15. What a bummer man. Sorry to hear she got off. Stay sharp though....the next time she hits is when you will be least expecting it. You'll get her next time.
  16. Nice fish! Were you still using the ultra-light rig when she hit? That must have been a blast to land her. Congrats again on the toad!
  17. GREAT info Earthworm. I learned a ton in the last 2 posts you made. You are well on your way my friend.
  18. The Rick Clunn series from Lucky Craft. I'm a huge fan of the RC 1.5 and 2.5 I don't know if you consider it a crankbait, but the Rat-L-Trap is also a fantastic shallow water bait.
  19. Congratulations Randall!
  20. I bought a good deal of the Flick Shake worms and the jigheads that they are supposed to be used with. I haven't really given it a workout yet, but I have caught a few small fish on bed with the rig. As far as the worms, go, I really like them. I've been fishing them on a dropshot rig and they've caught some nice fish for me. I'm not sure if it was the worm that made the difference, I just know I have confidence with the Flick Shake worm on the DS rig. It's a good looking worm in the water. I'm sure it will work well with any rig you use it on.
  21. 2 reasons. 1. I have a full time roommate and garunteed boater for the BFL's. This cuts cost tremendously, and gives me someone to practice with. 2. BFL Bulldog division fishes lakes that are closer to my house. 4 of the 5 BFL's were within 2 hours in the 2008 schedule. 2 out of 5 were within 2 hours in the 2008 Weekend series. This means more gas, no garunteed boater, and no splitting hotel fees.
  22. I'm not trying to argue with you, but believe me, if you want to make it big, B.A.S.S. is the way to go. The FLW Jr. Championship is easier to get to. If you make it to the B.A.S.S., it's a bigger accomplishment. Do the research....it is so difficult to plug your sponsors at an FLW event. It's simple really. If your in it for the money, go FLW. If your in it for a career, then go B.A.S.S. If you want, I can list 10 examples of why BASS gives you more and better exposure than FLW. You know I like you man but you got some facts wrong... First off I have competed in both the FLW and B.A.S.S. Jr. World Championships. Second, I do agree it is hard to plug your sponsors but thats about it. FLW easier to get to???? Um.... they are both just as difficult. And now with more and more kids competing in FLW because they can still go fish with pro's and go to the big show, I would say FLW is more difficult. B.A.S.S. is a bigger deal? Not anymore, now that there really is not big world championship for the kids anymore. You go fish a BFN divisionals. FLW, you still go to the big show. Last year in Hot Springs for the FLW world championship my sis picked up sponsors just by walking around. And more exposure???? My sis and I have gotten so much from FLW it is nuts. Nothing from B.A.S.S. I have some DVD's if you want to see me from when I was in the FLW world championship. And during the FLW on Sundays on FSN they use to (have not watched in forever) have commercials and little plugs about their youth program and I was in them. B.A.S.S. never has anything on their Bassmaster program on Saturdays. I'm sorry but from someone who has competed and been to both, FLW has given me much more and it was a much more enjoyable experience. Mike, I hope you take my replies in the way that I'm saying them. In no way am I trying to attack you, just saying what I feel is true. I know you, your sis, and plenty of other Jr. anglers got low balled BIGTIME by B.A.S.S. Your right, FLW does have a better Jr. program. But as far as which company gives you better exposure, it's very clear, and any big name in the industry will agree, that B.A.S.S. gives you more potential to make a name for yourself. As I stated earlier, if you want money, go FLW. FLW gives the winner of the Jr. Champs like 5 seconds on t.v. and I might be wrong, but I have never seen anything in the FLW Outdoors mag on the winning Jr. anglers. B.A.S.S. and ESPN doesn't give the kids any time on the t.v. but from what I have seen, they write a good article in Bassmaster magazine. FLW doesn't let you plug your sponsors AT ALL!!! It is so frustrating fishing the BFL's because in the press release following the tourny, they don't include company names unless it's an FLW sponsor. BASS gives the true story of lures, rods, and reels used. Have you ever noticed on FLW Outdoors, all the anglers wear similar tourny shirts, hoodies, long sleeves, etc? FLW forces them to. BASS on the other hand allows you to wear whatever company supports you. And lastly, all the big names fish BASS. There's no way to deny it. Yes, Nixon, Clausen, Ehrler, etc fish FLW, but rarely do you know much about the guys on FLW's t.v. show. Now when it comes to the Elite series you know pretty much all of the anglers. All the career advice that I have recieved in the fishing catagory all has one thing in common. Go BASS if I want a name. Go FLW if I want a big check. To say that BASS will be gone in a few years is nonsense. BASS will never go away. I believe that FLW will continue to gain more weekend anglers, but as far as which organization has the top trail, BASS will always own that title. They have a tougher pro circuit and a much more coveted championship. Now to get back on track..lol. The best opportunity for young adults under 18 is FLW. You can go more places and compete in bigger events, but I truly believe that placing well in a FLW Jr. trail wont do a ton for you. Just my opinion. Again, I hope this isn't taken the wrong way
  23. Sorry to hear about the cat. I feel terrible, but while reading the end, I couldn't stop thinking about the part in Mr. Deeds where he saves the woman and her cats with the dude in the background yelling, "cat killer, cat killer!!" Crazy stuff dude
  24. 1: 7.2 2: 6.11 3: 6:15 4: 8.3
  25. Another vote for Gman's Jigs. Top notch qaulity and huge fish producers. His jig has been critical for me in tournaments. I wouldn't use any other.
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