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Everything posted by Crappiebasser

  1. Thanks for the replies. Sounds like the slow scrap and peel is going to be the way. Maybe the neighbor's kid would like to make a few bucks lol.
  2. I carry a kershaw chive serrated daily. It's small, sharp, assist opening, and cheap enough I won't cry if i lose it.
  3. I have a 17' aluminum boat I am turning into a duck boat. I want to paint it camo but it has a vinyl sticker sticker and stripes bow to stern that need to come off. I have tried a heat gun and scraper which works but it's very slow going. Does anyone have any suggestions for a stripper to dissolve them?
  4. A mother near me beat a clown with a bat for chasing her kid last week. Turned out to be a teenager who was joking around. I'm sure it's not funny to him now.
  5. IMO the 45 acp is just not a good round for hunting. I would much rather have a real rifle cartridge with a flatter trajectory if you're set on going rifle. Look into the lever action 30-30 as mentioned or a good bolt action in 308. You can find them under $350 and ammo isn't too expensive.
  6. Another vote for a shotgun. Remington 870 or Mossberg 500 are pretty cheap and super reliable.
  7. Tape a cardboard sign over his license plate that reads "I hate cops". If he drives a truck with a step bumper tape a beer can or 2 back there like he forgot them. Our HVAC tech made it 4 blocks from work before getting pulled over.
  8. When did Raider get a guitar?
  9. I 100% agree with AJay. Pay it off every month. Use it to buy gas and food you normally would but never spend more than you can pay off each month.
  10. ARs are fun but if you want a defense weapon consider a shotgun. Much cheaper and easier for beginners to use.
  11. The only good super chargers are leaf blowers. http://www.hotrod.com/how-to/engine/hrdp-1105-leaf-blower-supercharger/
  12. Another vote for silicone. It makes them much slicker. Start out spraying a small portion of each bunk then do more if needed.
  13. When I see yours, I think Sally Struthers could feed you for the cost of a cup of coffee.
  14. 5200 will fill a 1/8 hole easy without a screw in it.
  15. X2 The rivets on the shields get lose after heating and cooling over time. A couple big metal ties will usually fix it.
  16. You can buy any key fob online. Amazon lists an OEM Subaru for $50.
  17. You can but kids could find the key or combination. Kids are curious and it's better to train them correct handling than come home to a dead kid and broken trigger lock.
  18. So sorry to hear. We're praying for you.
  19. Y'all have more money in hitches than I've got in my truck.
  20. I was hit by 2 kids on a jet ski. The kids were banged up but ok. I wasn't hurt. I ended up with bad cracks and spidering on my Ranger. Marine police had to tie the ski to his boat to stop it from sinking. The boy's dad paid all the repairs without questions.
  21. I'm sure you'll find a new "friend" to stay with for free pretty quick in San Fran.
  22. I have a magic trick that gets me out of stuff like that. When I'm asked to do something I don't want to do I look them in the eye and say "No". Works everytime.
  23. Big Bite Baits squirrel tails are good for dead sticking. Their flying squirrel creature baits are good too.
  24. Raider already looks scarier than that.
  25. Choot Elizabeth
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