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Everything posted by Crappiebasser

  1. Yes the thrust washer is more snug on the stainless than the aluminum so I don't think it's wobbling. I torqued it to 38 lbs per the manual. I used a caliper to measure both props and they are identical. The only difference is the weight.
  2. My dad wanted a stainless prop for his 21' Tritoon with a 150 Yamaha four stroke. We got him a Solas Titan 15 1/2x15p and put it on yesterday. The prop spins smooth and free in neutral but as soon as you put it in gear it's makes a loud knocking sound. I put the aluminum back on and it's perfectly quiet. Anybody experience this with a prop swap? I emailed Solas and waiting to hear back. I thought you guys might shed some light on this.
  3. I've been in the here after for years. I walk around room to room trying to remember what I'm here after.
  4. Sears stopped honoring the lifetime warranty on their tools sometime back. They went to a one year warranty. Like slonezp said they were sold off and I noticed lowes sells them now but I'm not sure if the warranty has changed. They are made in China of course.
  5. The CMP is a great program. I bought a M1 Garand at the Talladega pro shop a while back. They are a nice gun and skeet range too.
  6. This. Spray teflon works great. Just spray it on with the bunks and let it dry for a few minutes. One spraying lasts a long time. Do not unhook the bow strap until its in the water. You can easily drop your boat on the ground.
  7. i have one and its not bad. The trigger pull feels like it's 20lbs and they kick like a mule but that's pretty much all derringers I've shot. Never used LC in mine just 410 buck shot.
  8. You should give it a knife and teach it to cut its food into smaller bites. Then it wouldn't choke and could protect itself from bigger bully fish.
  9. I have replaced and serviced mine several times and never had a castle nut seized on. Just take out the cotter pin and the nut should only be hand tight.
  10. Do you already have an outboard? Buying a used outboard is more of a gamble when you can't lake test it. New outboards are crazy expensive plus sounds like you'll need someone to rig it. A new Mercury 40hp is $4-5k plus rigging and controls. You could have $8k in a 82 tracker.
  11. I have a 2004 Mercury 115 4 stroke that is not spraying from the tell tale. After I noticed it I replaced the water pump (old one looked good) and blew out the tell tale lines. Before changing the pump I had zero discharge I now have a slow drip from the tale. I pulled the LU off again submerged it and turn the drive shaft to verify the pump is working. Anybody have any suggestions on what else it could be?
  12. I have used a SE 400 on a few boats and its always worked well. I like it because it's no drill.
  13. I never took much stock in that. I had a bright yellow Triton for a few years and never felt it helped or hurt my catching. If a 21' yellow hull moving around doesn't spook them my shirt won't matter.
  14. What's a tax return? I am super excited my check is not due until 4/17 this year though.
  15. I have never soaked fish in milk. I usually do a beer batter on crappie filets and cornmeal on cat fish.
  16. Movies-Unforgiven, Tombstone, The magnificent 7 (original not that remake garbage), Hondo. TV- Deadwood, Gun Smoke, The Big Valley I just watched Godless on Netflix and it was pretty good but not all time favorite.
  17. Congratulations! We will all be by about 9:30 to abuse that employee discount.
  18. Unless you're in very muddy water you don't need to get down to 25' to catch them. They'll meet you halfway at least. I troll 1/16th heads on 2lb mono. For line length I cast as far as I can and lock the reel.
  19. Fish, you can find out how the super bowl turned out later but you'll never know if you missed a new PB.
  20. My brother has the same problem with his ecoboost. In extreme cold the mileage drops. Ford told him the intercooler being cold causes more air into the intake which the ECU compensates for by adding fuel to the mix. The engine ends up running rich and burning more than it really needs to.
  21. I used something like this on my Jeep. Drill a 1/4" hole and pop it in. https://www.amazon.com/Wire-Routing-Clips-Clipsandfasteners-Inc/dp/B0040D0PJ4
  22. Once again an Atlanta team finds new and innovative ways to disappoint.
  23. As a UGA fan I'm sick but it was a good game. Bama played hard the 2nd half. A few bad calls by the refs didn't hurt either.
  24. I love air guns and Benjamins are the best. This is my first Benjamin. My grandfather bought it for my dad in 1945 who handed it down to me in the early 80s. It's has never been rebuilt (at least in my lifetime) and will still take out a chipmunk at 30 yards no problem.
  25. We have got to get you to a therapist or some type of TN Sucks support group. It's a million more than you would have had otherwise. You have to see it as Neyland stadium is half full not half empty.
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