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Everything posted by Crappiebasser

  1. I just bought a 798 and put it on last week. I thought it would be too small but I like it. Mine is bow mounted and if you are console mounting yours I would definitely go bigger.
  2. Boyd Duckett, Ike, and KVD, in that order.
  3. I met Charlie at ICAST 2005 before I was as in to fishing as I am now so I really didn't know who he was but he seemed nice enough. He does act mentally challenged on the show.
  4. I had a Terrova on my last boat and I didn't like it. There is no feedback through the foot pedal like a cable steer. The co-pilot was a fun toy but I never really ended up using it for a practical purpose. I don't know if the shafts are "indestructible" but they can take a beating. Overall it's a matter of preference, I know some people that really like them.
  5. One of the cheapest places to get Reactions Innovatios Dipper baits. I order on Monday and it's in Atlanta Thursday at the latest.
  6. I am in need of a new hand scale and don't know which one to get. I had a cheap Berkley that was very inaccurate but want something better. What do you guys use?
  7. I could go the rest of my life catching only spots and shoalies with no regrets. They are as aggressive as any freshwater fish I've caught. I vote yes on the spot forum.
  8. I tried it last winter and it was OK but I think the Seaguar Invisix twists less on a spinning reel. I currently use Berkley 100% and Vicious with good results. Regardless of what you use make sure to put KVD Line conditioner on it.
  9. I have a 7' MHF that I like pretty well for the money. The fast action is very sensitive for a cheaper rod. The warranty is 5 years.
  10. I had a compass once but I think it was broke, it only pointed north. ;D
  11. I have been looking at the Lowrance HDS systems and can't get a clear answer about the difference between Lake Insight and US Base Map. I currently have a Humminbird 565 and handheld GPS so these things are light years ahead of me.
  12. Hi all, I have been reading and learning from you all for sometime and decided to join in. I live in Atlanta but mostly fish the lakes of central AL due to my club schedule. I fished a lot when I was younger and gave it up for a while but got back into it a few years ago full bore. Thanks all for the info you've given me so far.
  13. Crappiebasser


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