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Everything posted by Crappiebasser

  1. My doctor said the same thing.
  2. We would be sold out of bread, milk, and eggs with a blizzard like that.
  3. It’s just as bad at the big box home improvement stores. Thirty years ago Home Depot hired lots of retired tradesmen to be specialists in their depts. Now they hire any moron they can get.
  4. I play a similar game with my tv remote every night. Sometimes it’s in my recliner, sometimes under my wife’s butt. It’s always exciting when I find it though.
  5. Hydrofoils mount to your motor and just help lift the stern up easier. Trim tabs do the same but mount to the hull and are adjustable. Here’s a couple links. https://www.basspro.com/shop/en/se-sport-400-hydrofoil?hvarAID=shopping_googleproductextensions&affcode_c=&gclid=Cj0KCQjwgJv4BRCrARIsAB17JI43A4JqdxoalklAG3-9q-CDIbxuug4dYrgoVdoVaIqQfvX0mLMh7fAaAtJ0EALw_wcB&gclsrc=aw.ds https://www.googleadservices.com/pagead/aclk?sa=L&ai=DChcSEwi_iN_kv8HqAhWEhsAKHfh-D3AYABAWGgJpbQ&ohost=www.google.com&cid=CAESQOD2pFqZn0deh33rKiYv3eLT5lSXcJJYlsUoyBwczMJ9lI1xX-kk6O_OJ4clOdheOOX1-CzOxCYZU_1-nmujIUA&sig=AOD64_2s_IJkm2qzY0T1IyPXObi6S6loFQ&ctype=5&q=&ved=2ahUKEwiH1Nbkv8HqAhUIac0KHcudBZEQwg96BAgLEDU&adurl=
  6. This plus a hydrofoil or trim tabs. A VT19 is not going to be very stable much over 42 mph anyway.
  7. I have a boat house where the trailers are attached to a winch so power loading isn’t an option. I spray my carpeted bunks on my bass boat with Teflon spray lubricant about once a year and it makes a huge difference. Make sure your bow strap is attached before pulling in/out of the water or your boat could slide off easily. I unhooked mine too early once and had to swim out to catch my boat. I can’t remember the brand but it was like $5 at Home Depot and I’ve had the same can for years now.
  8. It was actually my buddy’s boat. It was a very nice pontoon he had just put a new Yamaha 90 fourstroke on. They basically only paid him for the outboard. He lost about $4-5k on the deal.
  9. I was out with a buddy night fishing for crappie and got hit by a 18’ G3 bass boat. We were luckily in a pontoon and they guy turned at the last second so he slide sideways into us instead of head on. Totaled both boats but we all walked away with just bumps and bruises. The driver was new to the lake and watching his gps instead of where he was going. Another time I fell overboard without a pfd in January. Luckily I was fishing brush piles and was able to use a tree to boost myself right back in the boat. I now keep a change of clothes in the boat and wear a pfd when fishing alone.
  10. I got my first haircut since March 3rd yesterday. It was nice to get up this morning not looking like Don King
  11. I had a 93 Mariner 200 on a Bullet once. It’s the same engine as a Mercury XRI. I never had any problems with it.
  12. That was not out of line at all. I’ve done it several times myself. I’ve noticed when someone posts a nice catch on our local forum there’s a ton of boats where the picture was taken the next day.
  13. First off I am a dock owner and have been for 20 years so I understand the challenges of being on public water. Secondly the dock owner I was talking has died in the 6 years since this post so I’m pretty sure he won’t take any further action. Have a great day!
  14. The transmission has a lot to do with determining rear ratio too. The GM/Ford 10 speed has a 1st gear of 4.69 and the ratios are much closer together than the old 4 speed autos. You don’t need as steep a rear gear with them.
  15. It depends on the boat. Some newer boats have a bolt in dc option. I’ve always preferred sc for more room. You loose a lot of space to the 2nd console.
  16. It’s fine for any TN waters. I fished Guntersville for years in a 14’ with a 15hp tiller steer. You just need to be smart about bad weather and bigger boat wakes. Read some of the topics here on handling rough water to help you out.
  17. Not the biggest fish I caught yesterday but he was the most ambitious
  18. It is a little spicy but wasn’t too hot for me. I like a spicy food though.
  19. No air fried is as good as fish fried in oil but Louisiana air fryer fish batter is the best I have had. I spray it it a couple times while it’s cooking with olive oil and it’s not bad. https://louisianafishfry.com/products/air-fry-fish-coating-mix-5-oz/
  20. That was the problem. Everybody thought it was a good place to get away from people and they had 30,000 visitors yesterday.
  21. I’ve grilled or smoked something everyday last week. Smoked some beef jerky yesterday then smoked a couple ribeyes to 120 then reverse seared in cast iron with butter. I’m going to have to widen the doors to get my fat ass out of the house once this mess is over.
  22. My dad just reminded me about an old hunting club we went to when I was a kid that had a pile of phone books in the outhouse for toilet paper. Make sure you fold the edges because a paper cut on your butt is not pleasant.
  23. I guess I’ll keep my complaints about it being 27 here this morning to myself.
  24. Auburn is fully capable of beating Bama too.
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