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Everything posted by Crappiebasser

  1. With clouds this morning there should be ever bigger sacks today.
  2. I can understand the boat point but I really don't think this guy owns one. The saw blades weren't around the edge pylons, they were up under the dock about 2 ft. As for the hooks, I can understand that too but the blades cause people to leave more hooks. I would have moved on if he simply put up a sign. Instead I'm ticked because I have $5 or so of tungsten weights, hooks and baits under his dock.
  3. IMO it's not enough truck. I had a '08 Tacoma and a 17' fisher aluminum crappie boat. The boat would slide the truck a little backing down the ramp when it was wet.
  4. Today I was fishing and got a bite under a pier. I set the hook and snap. I retied thinking I had a nick in my line and pitched back under the dock. This time I could feel my line was over something and I went to reel in. Once again snap with hardly any pressure on the line. I moved on down the line of piers when a guy came down and started talking to me. I told him about the break offs and he said the owner screws old band saw blades between the pylons to keep people from fishing under his dock. Have any of you ever come across someone trying to keep you from fishing their docks on public lakes?
  5. BFL has a 250 hp max but no minimum. I suggest joining as a co angler the first season then becoming a boater if you want. It would suck to be the guy that got paired with a newbie boater in a small boat.
  6. X2 if you can find one for $100 it's your best bet.
  7. A few years ago a local fisherman got locked up for blocking a public ramp. He dumped a 30 yd dump truck full of rock and dirt on the ramp so the boaters that were out could not pull them out. It turns out he had several runs ins with tourney anglers that day and he blocked the ramp an hour before weigh in with the tourney director watching.
  8. Either retailer should swap it out for you. I have broken 2 Cumaras due to stupidty on my part and they were exchanged no questions asked at BPS.
  9. Power Pro with leader if needed.
  10. I was looking at them on GB a while back and found the same thing. My dad has a 6" blued that he bought in the mid 80s. It still has the $375 price tag on the box and has never been fired.
  11. I would get a Premier 7' M with a Shimano Sahara.
  12. That's crazy. I have probably registered 50 boats in AL through the years and never been run through the ringer like you were. Some of mine had very questionable lineage too. The ladies working in our clerks office ask very few questions. Glad they got it registered for you.
  13. X2 smaller braid tends to dig into the spool and cause issues.
  14. We catch tons on rooster tails white or silver is the best.
  15. Mine is pretty basic but I have never been skunked fishing a 6" dead ringer in watermelon chartreuse on a Owner sled head. It works year round at any depth on every on every lake I fish.
  16. They can with a minimum order. I will check with Gables to see if they still have them first. I have an airbrush so I may try my hand at painting them.
  17. I just got an email from Bandit and thought I would share. Thanks for all the replies. "2GAB05 is really the only thing that it goes by. It has been a couple of years since we have painted any of them. They were sent to Gable Enterprises in Douglasville, Ga"
  18. I have been having good luck with this crankbait lately and would like to get a spare. Can anyone tell me what brand and color it is? I think it's a Bandit 300 but I'm not positive.
  19. I have the teleflex on my Ranger with tilt steering. It mounts flat to the end of the steering column instead of around it. I think it would work for you.
  20. I had to sign once when I ordered 3 reels and a rod because of the value. They also called me to confirm the order before they shipped it. Usually they leave my ~ $50 orders though.
  21. X2 I also like off set round bend worm hooks. I feel I get more hook ups than with EWGs.
  22. I have the 7'1" M and the handle doesn't bother me. Most of my hand is on the reel foot anyway. You really have to feel one with a reel on it and make your own call. I have a buddy that hates his Cumara and his hands are smaller than mine. Overall if you like the way the grip feels you'll love the rod.
  23. They are a good basic fish finder. It will read ok thru hull but does it have a thru hull transducer with it? They came with a transom mount and if you have to buy a thru hull it can be pricey.
  24. I use either straight braid or braid with leader. Had the same line on for 3 years and it's still going strong.
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