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Everything posted by Crappiebasser

  1. OMC has been out of business over 10 years. BRP makes Evinrude now.
  2. This. The Citica E is a much better reel than the G. You could also look for a Curado E or G in your price range.
  3. I've had 2 of mine since the end of March and no issues yet.
  4. Usually a c rig bite is not as noticeable as a t rig. It takes some practice to know the difference between a bite and your weight hitting something. I use Carolina Keepers and tungsten weights to get a better feel.
  5. They are comfortable and so far they are holding up well. I'm about 220lbs and they hold my big butt without issue.
  6. You should hold an xtreme before you decide. I like the skin handle but I know people that really hated them. They are great rods though.
  7. If you have power on your dock, get a green monster fishing light. Not only does it make it a lot easier at night but fish stay in the area during the day once they get conditioned to the light.
  8. I bought 3 of these for my crappie boat in February and so far they are holding up well. http://www.basspro.com/Bass-Pro-Shops-Classic-3Tone-Boat-Seat/product/1308010711328/
  9. They press in but can be a pain to get out. I have used long spring type toggle bolts in a vise. Put the bolt head in the vise and the toggle end through the post hole. it's like a slide hammer to pull it out. Once you get it out take a picture of it. I have several laying around that might work for you.
  10. Since you are fishing from shore without electronics I would use cranks or spinners as search baits to cover water quickly then use a plastics once you've found them.
  11. Get a used boat you can pay cash for. IMO a boat is a foolish reason to go in debt. Used boats depreciate a lot slower than new so when/if you do want to upgrade you won't take a beating on the resale.
  12. I placed an order on Memorial Day and it shipped yesterday. I saved $400 on 3 Dobyns rods and and a few baits so I'm OK with the wait.
  13. I have a Condor but IMO my CZ Upland is a much better shooter. The condor doesn't balance well for me.
  14. I use one of these for my 9' trolling rods. It works very well. http://www.overtons.com/modperl/product/details.cgi?pdesc=Taco-Tote-Em-4-Rod-Carrier&i=92559&r=view&utm_medium=cpc&utm_source=googlebase&s_kwcid=googlepla&cvsfa=2587&cvsfe=2&cvsfhu=3932353539
  15. You need a better instructional video. Send me the CI 4 and I'll use it for a few years sending you occasional videos of me overhand casting it.
  16. I would be amazed if they offer you gift cards for that. No HR should approve that because it could be viewed as an admission of wrong doing on their part if you sued.
  17. I always take out of the box and usually put them on rod before fishing with them. I know people that soak the bearings first but I never do until they get dirty.
  18. The telescopic poles have the highest success rate for me. Plus the pole can reach get an overhead snag out which is important when I take my 93 year old grandfather fishing. I always have a pole and a hound dog in the boat. Both have paid for themselves dozens of times.
  19. They come with hooks. They just remove them in the pictures.
  20. Never done that but I have tied one on and on the first cast snapped the knot and watched the lure sail off into the water. It never seems to happen with floating lures.
  21. It will be fine. Every fall when they draw our lake down I find tons of baits in my brush piles. A little dish soap and new hooks and they are good as new.
  22. Are you sure you filled it high enough? If it leaks in it has to leak out.
  23. I fished Lake Seed and Rabun 2 weeks ago. Caught several but never really found a pattern or any big ones.
  24. I talked to an Alabama Power rep today and the blades are coming out. The guy has 30 days to remove them or his dock permit will be revoked. He can apply to replace them with lattice but it's up to APC to approve the request. He also had an electrical outlet on the dock that was not on the original plan he submitted so his outlet has to be removed until he get approval for it.
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