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Everything posted by Crappiebasser

  1. When you cast your thumb is holding the spool and the reel should be free to spin either way. Are you saying you keep the reel locked and push the button at the right point in the cast?
  2. By the way, congrats on the new boat. Z20s are nice rides.
  3. This. Mine slides to the left if you're facing the bow.
  4. My neighbor has a J16 CC and it's very stable for its size. We fish 2 fat old guys with a big Lab and haven't fallen out yet. The only thing I dislike is the standing rod holders and very little storage space.
  5. Turn another brake off. I have used I's for a year now and never need more than 1 brake.
  6. Square bills on the shallowest cover I can find. Scroungers on the edge of spawning flats.
  7. "I’m so sick of these Canadians down here always complaining. “It’s nice here, but I couldn’t live here, I love seasons too much. I love seasons.” Yeah, so do I, that’s why I live in a place that skips the chitty ones!" Daniel Tosh
  8. The plate is a seat mount and the tube is a pedastal. Yours are 3/4" pin and you need to make sure the pedastal is a screw in.
  9. I have the same rod with and Aldebaran MG7 and don't find it tip heavy at all. A Curado I should make the tip seem even lighter.
  10. Islamorada is an awesome place to fish. Bone fishing on the flats with fly rods is my favorite salt water fishing. For deep water, the party boats that take you out to the hump are always good.
  11. It's because of the proposed ban on green tip 5.56. I was I a local store today and the owner said sales have been nearly as high as they were after Sandy Hook.
  12. That's great news. Still praying for him.
  13. They are great reels especially for $50.
  14. My guess is you had a frayed placed in the line from a previous birds nest. No line change will keep it from happening again.
  15. Our team has one common goal, to keep my job. Lou Holtz
  16. I suggest selling both TMs and putting that toward a used 80lb 24V.
  17. Yes you just use 2 of the 4 pins. You might want to rethink the 12v TM though. Even the largest 12V's are marginal for a 19 1/2' boat.
  18. What don't you like about it? I have 4 and they are the best reel at the price point IMO.
  19. That gas is explosive so make sure it's well ventilated. I agree it's a bad cell but it can be caused by over charging so check your charger before using on your new battery.
  20. I have always been surprised the pros aren't using terrovas on the deeper off shore lakes anyway. Deep cranking KY lake or drop shorting Oneida would be much easier with spot lock.
  21. He's going to need a lot of hush puppies for that fish fry.
  22. Even though we've had some cold weather the water temp is actually warmer today than it was this time last year here. I went out yesterday and saw 43-46 degrees. IMO the cold doesn't hurt the prespawn as bad as a mild winter with a mid March cold snap.
  23. Why would you want a braid leader?
  24. A recliner TV remote with fresh batteries Glenlivit A Snuggie
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