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Everything posted by Crappiebasser

  1. I live on the Tallapoosa system and we are 8' over already with more rain on the way. The only plus side is the warm muddy water and swift current has made for a great spinnerbaits bite on main lake points.
  2. For him to transfer it from another state, he needs to ship it to a FFL in your state. The FFL will do a background check on you and complete the transfer. FFLs usually charge a fee to process the transfer for you, around $30 at most I have dealt with. UPS and FEDEX require handguns to be shipped next day air only.
  3. If you like the P226 you should consider the Sig x-five. Same feel has a 226 but more accurate and much better trigger feel.
  4. I think a Raider Only section should be added to the boards. It could be all about ex's, tattoos, and which animals taste best after being hit by a pick up. You would of course be the section moderator.
  5. Thanks for all you've done Mike. I have always enjoyed your spell checking. Ghoti congrats on making it to the big leagues. You have to come up with a thread lockdown catch phrase now.
  6. Sounds like a 60 grain load. It's the front right in AJ's photo.
  7. Yep, if you have a cc permit you're in and out in a few minutes.
  8. I don't like sweet rubs so here's my favorite. I keep a little to the side and mix with apple cider vinegar and olive oil to bast will cooking. If you want an easy store bought rub Mcormicks Memphis rub is ok. 6 tablespoons dry mustard 3 tablespoons dried oregano leaves 2 tablespoons mild chili powder 2 tablespoons paprika 1 tablespoon black pepper 1 tablespoon sea salt 1 1/2 teaspoons garlic powder 1/4 tablespoon cayenne pepper
  9. This is why you take a kid fishing. Those little rascals can shimmy up and get most baits back.
  10. Prayers sent Dwight. You can beat this.
  11. That sounds suspect that they felt they needed to do that. Put the boat on the trailer open the back hatch where your batteries are and put a water hose in the very bottom. Let it fill until it gets to the battery tray level. I bet you see it start leaking.
  12. I agree with plugging the live wells. Also check the insert the drain plug goes into. I have seen them break lose and leak around the outside edge.
  13. Just a flat sheet cake with a writ of divorce written on the top. It'll save her some time later.
  14. The east coast of Alabama is Georgia. We don't get hurricanes here. The worst is a tropical storm strength by the time it gets this far inland and they are awesome fishing times. Very low BP, warm wind, and light rain. Even if we get flooding that just means more current and better bite.
  15. Why would anyone live in a place you have to do all that prep? My winter prep, tie a float n fly rig on, put on a light jacket, keep fishing.
  16. It depends on which section or impoundment on the Coosa you fish. Weiss fishes a lot different than Lay, Logan martin, or Neely Henry. Jordan is totally different than all them all too. In general spots love wind and current. They tend to go after natural colors, green pumpkins and watermelons. Like junyer said they like moving baits like cranks and spinners.
  17. You don't want anything overhead, draws bugs and don't work as well. The one I have is from Green Monster Fishing Lights. It's a 100' cord with a weight attached. The bulb floats up off the bottom any distance you want by sliding the weight back or forth.
  18. Man you're getting soft in your old age. The real Slonezp would have cussed them out for making him late getting home, flicked them off, and peeled out.
  19. No bass boat is going to ride well in rough water. That's why off shore boats are deep V. All you can do is use the throttle to keep the bow up and try to match speed with them.
  20. I think the rod committed suicide after being forced to live in that nasty truck bed.
  21. Ok smart guy if there's no meth explain Raider.
  22. Why not use milligrams. 5187900 mg is a heckuva PB.
  23. I blame it on not keeping score in tee ball anymore. We are not all winners and the score was the proof.
  24. On behalf of all Alabamians, thank you!
  25. What Way2slow said plus trying to run an outboard with a leaking fuel line is crazy. Fix that before you even try to diagnose anything else.
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