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Everything posted by Crappiebasser

  1. I live on a public lake and IMO 1% of fishermen give the other 99% a bad name. I actually had a guy set 4 small children off on my dock to play while he and his buddy backed away to fish my underwater light. That's the only one I have ever yelled at. As a fisherman I avoid pitching any docks with a boat in them period. I practice 'Do unto others' and have never had an issue with a landowner.
  2. Because there was traffic attempting to go faster but he was blocking it. Because he's going 20 mph over he earns the pace car slot to stop people from going 21 mph over?
  3. Nice truck. 85 was the best year with a straight axle and fuel injected 22RE.
  4. Sounds like you were blocking traffic to me. Some states have 'slow poke' laws for just this situation. Slower traffic should always keep right regardless of speed.
  5. It has to be at the back because it's straight. Looks from the picture like you have to drill 2 holes through the diamond plate on each mount for the bolts to go down the outside of the frame rail.
  6. My wife won't allow it in the house but I love fried spam. My mom was in college nights when I was young and dad only knew fried spam, canned tamales, and SOS.
  7. As someone who has done a header into 40 degree water, please buy a USCG approved PFD and wear it anytime you are underway or alone. It's not an area to be cheap.
  8. It's South Georgia in the spring. There's always a chance of rain. Just go.
  9. Glad you're ok. I am surprised you think it's an "accident" though. After years of reading your posts I would think this would happen a lot.
  10. I just acquired a 21' deck boat with a 115 Mercury 4 stroke. The boat runs great but is a little slow to plane. I am thinking a hydrofoil and prop swap will cure this but have never used a no drill hydro. Does anyone have a recommendation?
  11. The show is about dead people walking around and eating living people and the lack of optics is what bugs you? What about the dead make a growling sound without the ability to breath and in some cases no larynx?
  12. They should've cut that eel into to strips and jigged it. Salt stripers go wild for eel.
  13. That's my EDC weapon! I have a smaller 380 version covered in $20s for when I need a smaller CCW.
  14. My dad and granddad actually taught me to like it once I was grown. As a kid I always thought it was made with real 'S'.
  15. PM 00MOD with the members name and +1
  16. Sounds like a bad ground. It's sporadically grounding through the ball. Do you have a plug and play light add on or was it wired in?
  17. That's great until you get the jimmy arms one night and the barrel smacks your wife in the head. An intruder will be the least of your worries.
  18. Well said. There is no 100% way to child proof your gun so gun proof your child.
  19. It was on the news too.
  20. I see them on bigbill's trail cam all the time. I think it's friends with the chupacapra and puppymonkeybaby.
  21. Very nice set up. How do you like the MVP? Been looking at a .223 version. I like that it takes the AR mags I already have.
  22. I use yellow for shakey head and weightless senkos. Makes it a lot easier to see subtle movements.
  23. Check out AFN and Outdoor Networks apps. Not a huge amount of full episodes but some good content.
  24. I would not take on debt for anything that is not an absolute necessity. Fish the old boat and save your money.
  25. As long as they don't research your online presence and read your BR posts you'll be fine. Maybe get in the back of the truck and have the old lady drive you through a car wash the day before. Seriously though, good luck on the interview.
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