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  • Gender
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  • My PB
    Between 6-7 lbs
  • Favorite Bass
  • Other Interests
    Keeping Large predatory Fish / Aquariums, Firearms, Hunting, Bowling, Machining, Wood Crafting, making jerky, blah, blah, and blah.

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  1. A full can of beer to the face, followed by a slice of pizza.
  2. Tailgaters Drivers who use the turning lane as a merging lane...( I've seen so many head on colisions from dumbs doing this) Drivers merging a mile, half mile,etc before the merging lane ends. Stoping on the cross walk forcing pedestrians between cars or out in traffic. Drivers in a hurry to get to to next red light. Seeing open water everywhere except the launch.
  3. jamarkwe


    I really wish that Hornady made target ammo. And cost effective aswell.
  4. I would rather take my chances with a rail mounted light, than to shoot at a target in the dark that I can't confirm or identify as a intruder and not a loved one.
  5. If you break in my house and see a light pointing at you, its too late I already fired multiple rounds into you.
  6. Is that how you always react when someone disagrees with you?
  7. Mall ninja? Movies? Do you have to be so rude Bigs? I never insulted you.... you should try shooting into a strobe light..
  8. @Bigs.. Not dumb if your handgun has a 150 luman strobe and laser....
  9. Trying to scare someone by racking a pump action will only give away your location..guns are not made to scare people
  10. Really?...... Really ????? ...... No, this just can't be happening . LMAO @ the claps for doing a 180 or 360
  11. Yup, I refuse to let the almighty dollar rule my life and make decisions for me.
  12. It's not McDonald's fault.... It's the parents for letting their kids eat unsupervised at home. There is no structure at home anymore PERIOD.
  13. markwe450... add me. message "BR" so I know your from here.
  14. Yup I would say so. Those sticks are light as envelopes.
  15. Lake Orion .... Caught them on crankbaits.
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