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  1. i'm trying to decide between a kayak and canoe since half the time I fish alone. I'll be fishing medium sized lakes (2,000-3,000 surface acres) and I won't be going out far from shore or out in the wind etc. I know a sot kayak would work, but I like the idea of having more room in a canoe and being able to stand and cast. So does anyone fish bigger water in a canoe or should I just go with a kayak
  2. never unhook till the boat is floating, and i always winch it up before i pull out. I've been in a boat thats been bounced into the lake, not fun and put a small hole in it.
  3. not sure about boats but in cars, 12.6 volts is considered fully charged
  4. not sure on the bearing buddies don't have them, have you tried taking off the grease zerk and using a small wire to see if anything got stuck? on the grease gun your problem is air, you can either loosen up the top and pump it and see if that works, or loosen the top and pull the plunger part way or all the way back and pump it till it works.
  5. ok, thanks that was my idea, just seeing if there was anything else out there
  6. i have an old 16' closed bow fiberglass boat that i'd like to put casting decks on. I've searched and learned a lot but still have a few questions. Is cutting the closed bow portion of the front to add a deck a bad idea? and how would i attach the bracing for the deck to the boat. Thanks
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