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About fishnjohn

  • Birthday 08/19/1970

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Minnow (2/9)



  1. You don't need to buy a portable unit. Any fishfinder will work. All you need is a 12 volt power supply. What I did to power my fishfinder was I went to Radio Shack and bought a battery holder that holds 8 AA batteries. Now you have 12 volts. I went to WalMart and bought a water proof container and 8 rechargeable AA batteries. I can fish for 3 days withouth recharging my batteries.
  2. There is alot of deals out there right now. I picked up a Stratos PRO181 for $5000 with a Yamaha 150. It needs a new seat but other than that it is in great shape.
  3. Portables are OK. But you don't need to use a portable. You can use any fishfinder you want to buy. All you need is a 12 volt power source and get a little creative. I use rechargeable AA batteries to operate my fishfinder. I went to radio shack and bought a battery holder for 8 - AA batteries (cost $2.oo) and to walmart for a waterproof container (cost $8.oo). This will operate my fishfinder for 3 days.
  4. I am using 6 pound mono for dropshot. I use a barrel swivel about 8 inches above my hook. Until recently I have had no problem with breaking my line. But the last 2 days out I have broke the line right at the hook. I thought it was the line but I tried some 12 pound and did the same thing. I use a Palomar knot at the hook. Any suggestions to what I may be doing wrong?
  5. I have two: Stratos pro 181 Togiak float tube with rod rack and fishfinder.
  6. I live in fresno. There is the Fresno Bass Club and I was talking to another guy at Millerton Lake yesterday and he told me that there is a Clovis fishing club. Call Valley Rod and Gun on Clovis avenue. They might have some information for you.
  7. I own one GLoomis rod. It is Ok but for the price I would rather buy a Shimano Crucial or Shimano Compre.
  8. I made my first trip to Lake Kaweah yesterday. Caught 4 Largemouth over 2 pounds. Was using a 1/4 ounce shaky head with 6" trick work. Does anyone have any advice for my next trip?
  9. This may sound strange to alot of you but I tried this and had some success. 25 to 35' with a swimbait hook. I have hooks for my Money Minnows put a tube on it and in gives it a totaly different fall and action.
  10. I have got to agree with the DropShot.
  11. First thing I ask myself is- water clarity, water temperature and what type of structure. Like most of you my plastics assortment looks like an aisle at your local tackle shop. But my go to plastics are: Brush Hog= watermelon blake flake, watermelon red flake Trick worm= watermelon blake flake, green pumpkin Robo worm= Arrons magic, pro gold But you have to find what works for you and where you are.
  12. Most of the time probably 95% of the time you should wait until the bait hits the bottom. The only time I engage the spool early is if I am pitching at a steep bank and I want to try to get the bait to fall at an angle so it can free fall without hitting the bottom. But I usually hold the line with my fingers instead of engaging the spool.
  13. I read everything I can get my hands on. They all have one or two good articles you can learn something from. Bassmaster, Bass West, North American fisherman, Field and stream, Bassin. I even pick up old magazines from Ebay and yard sales. The nore information you have the better. My girlfriend gats mad at me because under my bed is packed with magazines. I have them stacked in our closet and in boxes in the garage.
  14. If I had to pick one plastic to carry on my boat it would be a Watermellon Brush Hog. I use it everywhere and it always works for me. Pitching, flipping, Carolina, Texas, shaky and there has been a few occaisions that I dropshot with it.
  15. I prefer baitcasters over spinning for everything unless it is windy.Then it is a mess to try using light tackle on a baitcaster. I will even dropshot with a baitcaster if there is no wind. I feel like I have more control and there is less line twist using a baitcaster.
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