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About goldenmonkey

  • Birthday 07/10/1980

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  1. I'll usually grab a sub at wawa before I go out and a bag of pretzels. wash it down with lots of beer
  2. I do. I have a 6wt and a 4wt that I use for bass. mostly river smallmouth fishing with the 4wt. catching a bunch of 1-2 lb smallies on a 4wt is a fun day. I use the 6wt out on the boat for largemouth. I use mostly streamers and crayfish imitations for bass. poppers are alot of fun if theyre hitting on topwater, they are fun to tie too out of deer hair. grasshoppers and dragonflies can be pretty effective at times as well. fly fishing isnt very hard to learn at all. it only took me a couple hours to have a basic grasp on it. then after a month or so I was pretty good at it. obviously the more you practice the better you will be. youll want to stay away from overhanging trees when your first starting out, youll be hung up in them almost garunteed. I also have a 0wt flyrod that I use for bluegills. catching 50-60 sunnys in a day on the little rod is a hell of alot of fun.
  3. heres my favorite river http://local.live.com/default.aspx?wip=2&v=2&style=r&rtp=~&&msnurl=home.aspx?%26redirect%3dfalse&msnculture=en-US
  4. i fillet them, coat them with olive oil and put some sea salt and fresh cracked pepper and sometimes a little bit of fresh lemon thyme on them then just throw them on a fairly hot grill. I also like to put them in some aluminum foil with some white wine, butter, fresh dill and salt and pepper and some fresh lemon juice. wrap the foil up and throw em on the grill.
  5. Im a maryland fisherman and I havent noticed too many illegal activities going on. I dont know how you could possibly tell if someone is fishing without a liscense. but we have had some trouble with people cutting fight nets. no reason for that ***.
  6. they think spinnerbaits are real fish. can they really tell the difference between a baby bass and a shad when theyre looking for something to eat?
  7. I've being doing good on piers by deep water with a t-rigged baby brushhog
  8. I dont remember it, but my dad took a picture of it. I was maybe 3 years old. it was a real monster. 9 maybe 10 inches long
  9. I bent my trailer up pretty good early this year. and I had to rebuild my carb around the same time. other than that its been good. Im just glad I know how to do any work myself and not have to pay for labor.
  10. I dont have any lakes nearby, but I am by the chesapeake bay and all its tributaries. middle river is absolutely my favorite river to fish, and the closest to my house. but many of the other rivers are almost just as close and I fish them alot.
  11. cheetos, they just wont stay on the hook
  12. doesnt bother me, its more of a dumb ad than offensive. now if it was two naked chicks out there on a boat I might consider their products the next time I go to bass pro shops
  13. I like boat docks as well. the ones out in 5-6 foot of water seem to do the best in the summertime. theres some duck blinds out in 5-6 feet of water here on my main river that always seem to hold big fish in the summertime.
  14. I used to fish ultralight all the time, but ive gotten away from it since I lost a huge bass on 6lb test. my biggest with an ultralight was a 4-1/2 lb smallmouth on 4lb test. hell of a fight.
  15. swedish pimple and a slip bobber
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