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Everything posted by JPBiGFISH

  1. worms Applesbees or Olive Garden
  2. trig x-box 360 or ps3
  3. 10 lb largemouth baitcaster or spinning reels
  4. i went up to the pond today and cought 1 in about 5 minutes but that was just lucky cause the rest were hitting top water and all my good equipment is at the camper... I looked around got a old zebco reel and a basspro shops rod and looked in some old junk found a jighead hook and some grubs thats all i could find but hey 1 is better then nothing ;D
  5. im kinda confused on this but how would sent help underwater? can they taste it or something? seems like it wouldnt matter to me. atho i do use scent sometimes . Ive just never really understood how they could smell it or how it would make them hold onto it longer
  6. i played the demo and hated it. maybe the full game was better but i never really liked the fishing games.. the last one i played was Real Fishing 2 i only liked it cause the graphics looked so good an d you could catch lots of different types of fish.
  7. thats a nice bluegill or whatever it is.. we have a few about tnhat size in our pond but the biggest bass is probably only about 3 lbs if that.
  8. wish i got allowance even a dollor a week...
  9. its not just u... but my grandad and dad used to always say the fish bite right after it rains or storms.. dont know if its true about bass but it does seem that way for catfishin atleast in small ponds. That reminds me I had a catfish hit a top water bass bait in the middle of summer out on my pond... to bad the bait wasnt tied to nothing.. friend of mine came over to bass fish and had a ole zebco 30 30 or something and went to cast and it hung up and the line snapped.. i was sitting there watching the bait to see where it was floating to when the big catfish just come up and slowly grabbed and swam away with it.. anyways back on topic.
  10. aye If Gary Y. was $6 a bag and so was yum Dingers I would still buy yum dingers... for one they got good sent i think and i dotn ahve to get my parents to take me 100 miles to get a pack... around here i usually only see them, at bass pro shops and buck and bass.. but well buck and bass closed so now its either 25 miles to walmart or 100 to bass pro. yea.. that would end up costing 30 $ jsut for the gas... gas guzlin dodge.... anyways Edit: actually i dont think ive seen yum dingers either.. i tthink it was wave worms tiki stick or whatever. oh and some of them new superstrech whatever them are.
  11. wow didnt know that... ^ its glenn ^
  12. Ok we have about a 1 to 2 acre pond of our own and my dad stocked it with bluegill and catfish then I ahd to catch some bass to put in it cause i jsut dont like to catch bluegill and catfish as much ... So a friend of my dad had 2 ponds full of catfish bluegill and bass i might have cought 15 to 20 bass and put in our pond and now there are around 40 that ive seen around the edges not knowing whats out in the middle they are around 5" to 12" mostly and tons of 1 inch baby bass. and i can go out daily and catch 4 or 5 bass in about 30 min to an hour. So im gonna have to say that his theory is wrong on it except for the part about to many small fish eating the plankton cause it does seem to have lots of algea in our pond and quite a bit in the ponds where i got the bass from.
  13. I dont know but ive heard that moving a fisha backa nd forth in the water ( the backwards part) can damage their gills so i move them in the figure eight motion actually i think it was a television show that said that.. Just thought id say that cause you can never be to safe to keep the fish in good health
  14. Now i got some Berkly Powerbait 5" Carolina Slugs... THere in a Bluegill color they look liek they might work if i know how to rig and fish them but ive only seen one abg.. and well i bought it. lol I almost didnt buy them because I had some Berkley Power worms one or 2 packs and they all seemed to be a little to soft.. ever time i cought a fish or snagged a limb i would ahve to put a new one on
  15. 3 hahah Only cause ive never really gotten to Bass fish much cause my dad is one that likes to bluegill and catfish .. Ive only cought a few fish while fishing on lakes... most of the bass i ahve cought where cought in ponds and its easy to catch them in ponds i think since u can walk almsot all the way arouynd most of them and fish basically every structure.... but fishing the lake is difficult cause theres lots of structures to fish and ive never been able to find where the fish stay....... so ill say 3-4
  16. If you got some money you can buy one of them new ones that just kinda clips onto the lip of them i dont reckon it makes no hole. but i never weight a fish aint got the money to buy a good fish weigher tho either
  17. Ive hardly ever cought a bass on live bait i catch catfish on nightcrawlers.. dont know where yall fish but crickets work best for bluegills and i ahve cought some bass on minnows but msotly crappie and catfish..
  18. that will be the next weird bait to come out... swimmin turtle crainkbaits
  19. Ok.. man this is a really helpful website.. Thanks
  20. ahh well that might help me a little.. Btw I want to ask i have these crankbait like lures that dont ahve much of an action at all but i guess they do vibrate some... There somekinda ambush lures my cousin gave me. was wandering if they could ever posibly be any good.. ive never seen them until then. PICTURE OF ONE: I also ahve a ambush pop-along that came with it not sure how to fish it or if its any good either PICTURE OF IT :
  21. This helps So much .. Thanks ;D
  22. ok... just found this site looks like a good site to get help with a lot of good people.. Ive been bass fishin since i was about 7 or so (im only 15 now) but my dad has always been a bluegill and catfish guy and a little crappie fishin also so i really havent learned that much about bass fishin but i still love it..... Anyways... basically all i know is that crank baits dont work good in dirty muddy water and that flippin jiggs and worms and using spinner baits works well in the shallow wter .. it think. So what i was hopeing to find is someone who could give me a website on what type bait crank baits/ worms / jiggs / spinner baits / etc. and color to use at what time of year and when the water is up etc. I have heard that alot of times during the summer the water will drop some and the bass will go back with it to the river banks unless the water happens to raise for some reason then they will move up with it to the shallow areas. Well if anyone knows any web guids or have the patience to type it out for me I would really be happy, ANd if it helps any I live In Tennessee so i mainly fish out on the Kentucky Lake Up in Paris, TN. Thanks.. Justin T. P.
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