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Everything posted by Lauren

  1. There is a show but I forgot the name of the show. I don't get the channel here
  2. I am still here. Two hobbies have been fighting for my attention; knitting and fishing. As for joining a bass club, I thought about it, but never had the time to commit. Last year, some guy ask me if I would sign my name to start the fishing club at college. They always watched me ride my bike with a fishing hat to the local pond or to the lake down there. Sometimes I brought my friends with. I gladly put my name down, but never heard from them. When I asked for the meetings they told me, "There was no fishing club. They decided against it." I sighed. I would have down it, but I was president of two clubs and could not give time to making a club at normal time. I thought morning would work better, after all, that is the time I fished. No one wanted to do it. Sadly, I just gave up joining clubs. As for this site I totally forgot about for some reason.
  3. I took my cousin and my roommate fishing. Both never went fishing. My roommate stated she was not going to like fishing. Two hours later she didn't want to leave. We had to leave because we both had class in an hour. We both had our fishing hats on, because what is fishing with the hat. She refused to put on bait or touch the fish. That was fine by me. I used wax warms for sunfish and bluegills. She had so much fun. My cousin on the other hand wanted to do almost everything except for touching the fish. She did put the warm on the hook but decided she didn't want to do the next one. She caught 12 fish in an hour. Every time we are together she wants to go fishing. This year she is going need to get her fishing license fishing for four years now. Maybe this year she can go ice-fishing. My advise is to let the person you teach decide on what they want to do. It is better to take the student to a place where there are fish. Panfish seem to work great.
  4. Lauren


    I was fishing and this guy asked me to compete in a tournament. I couldn't because my budget, and I don't have a boat on campus, other wise I would have. Although there is a college tournament and I wish I had my kayak on campus. I think they want a boat with a motor, though. LOL! I catch more fish with my 'yak then I do a fishing boat.
  5. There is a show about fishing were a woman angler is the host. Also there was this one person looking for a female co-host. I was going to do it, but I live in IL and he wanted someone local. He also wanted someone that knows more then bass fishing too.
  6. Hi thanks for putting up a forum
  7. My cousin and I caught a Northern Pike using a grub and a jig. We were catching pan fish. I caught one the summer before and she caught one last summer. Other then that I never caught a pike again.
  8. wax worm, pan fish worm, and minnows
  9. At my school's pound there are supposedly channel catfish. I never went cat fishing before and do not know what type of bait to use. Any ideas? Thanks and have a great time out fishing.
  10. I prefer using those bobbers because that is the kind of bobber I started out fishing with. If found those bobbers to work best then the round bobber.
  11. I found that the best way to meet people is fishing on shore. I found I learned a great deal more fishing in public areas and I almost always got free stuff. Normally I go for pan fish, but this year I caught a whole new species of fish, White Bass. I usually fish up in Wis. so fishing IL was a new experience. Anyway I meant many new people, learned about catching a new species of fish. I live in Elmhurst when I am not at school in Springfield.
  12. I know fishing is really slow up in Elmhurst. I had better luck before summer when I was fishing at school in Springfield.
  13. Sounds like fun and in my state. I have no idea where Washington county Il. Lake is maybe I will fish there.
  14. Congrats
  15. ] I have not been out in the morning this season. Mainly because I cannot find anyone up in the mornings to go fishing they are all sleeping in then again most of them are in college. I wake up at four, get dress and grab something to eat and drink. Start fishing at like 4:30Am then comes back at 9:45 or ten. Then eat again at like noon and head out to do more fishing. I did get tired last season and walk to the lake at four in the morning. I came back at like 11 and my roommate asked, "When did you go fishing." I told her with a grin, "I left at four and woke up at 3:30." I ended up promising her I would not go out so early in the morning by myself. So far I have been true to my word but yesterday I woke up at 3 and could not go back to sleep. I really wanted to go fishing. Instead, I read a book about fishing. It was not the same but oh, well. I plan to go fishing tomorrow late at like eightam[/tt].
  16. [tt]I went with my biology class and fishing was included. We went fishing at the Pontinal. Sorry for the misspelling but I do not have the map of the place with me. It was one of my exciting fishing trips but we only got to fish one day. [/tt]
  17. I went fishing in Brazil too.
  18. Welcome.
  19. [tt]Crappie, sunfish, and bluegill![/tt]
  20. I had a teacher that swear to write better to visit the tutoring center. I did but did not like the fact the tutor told me to write what she wrote my paper >. She only kept two words. Long story short. I read my teacher's comments and my writing improved so well that she thought I went to the tutoring center all the time. There are books that can help your writing. Go to the tutoring center or talk to your teacher. I love to write creatively but have problems with essays. Trust me I hate writing essays. Best of luck with your English class. Perfer Lit.
  21. It is not fair because every other way to qualify is open to everybody regardless of gender, but the WBT is only open to women. Men can't qualify through the WBT, but women can qualify through the opens, federation and elites. My friend thinks that maybe what you are getting at is the injustice in the idea of the seperation of the genders in the same sport. Maybe what you're really mad about is the fact that KBM and other women anglers have to qualify through a womans event instead of being able to show their skill in one inclusive qualifying event.
  22. [tt]Maybe there should be MBT. That way men can compete the same way. Maybe we should have a Men's Bassmaster Classic and a Women's Bassmaster Classic. I think that will be fair. Is there an MBT? [/tt]
  23. [tt]I think I am going to test the theory of the laser lure and see if it works. I am going to try to find similar lure so that only the difference is the laser.[/tt]
  24. Welcome to bassresource. I am from Elmhurst. Where are you from?
  25. Welcome
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