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Ima Bass Ninja

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Everything posted by Ima Bass Ninja

  1. thought i would share this with you guys. saw this guy on a trip to the lake one day...enjoy!!
  2. They just showed the video on the nightly news!!! And kept replaying it ...in slow mo and everything...Maybe its just me but i don't think the nightly news should be showing a young man dying. Anything for ratings i guess :-[
  3. Nice!! The Rage Tails and Jitterbugs would have cost you $50 alone. Nice assortment of Normans and Bombers!!! You can't beat that!!! Thanks!! i couldn't believe it when i saw the shelf. $1.25 for the rage tail stuff, norman lures $0.75!!!!!...Bomber lures $1.25..Jittrerbug , hula poppers, and rattle trap $1.00 each... Needless to say i pretty much emptied the shelf!! ;D
  4. My big catch from wally world clearance sale...Total spent $49.98.. ;D
  5. Although i know they are cheap i use a pair from walmart. It says SC on the side of the glasses and they are polarized. You find them in the sunglasses section by the jewelry dept. cost about $20. I have the brown tinted and regular tint. Brown seems to work the best. If you are like me, i refuse to spend alot of money on glasses due to the fact that i lose them/break them on a regular basis and these seem like a good choice/alternative. Hope this helps!!
  6. I'm wondering what has been the hardest thing for you guys to learn? Has it been a technique like walk the dog, or maybe something like boat control. For me its been having patience enough to wait on top water bites to set the hook, which i still haven't been able to do. So lets hear it , what has been the toughest thing for you to learn when it comes to bass fishing.
  7. Well that can be fixed I just need to work on my casting under and around trees :-[ :-[ :-[. Also i was looking at the jackall giron shad its 20 what do you think of this http://www.***.com/descpageSWMJACKALL-JG.html#pImage i have one of these in the bluegill..i like its action in the water. I"ve caught a few on it , probably would be more if i threw it more often..
  8. WE GOT MARCUS LATTIMORE! WE GOT MARCUS LATTIMORE! GO *****! I was going to post 34-17 until I saw your last comment. haha Spurrier even did the Cha Cha Slide with Lattimore's mother to get Marcus to play here. Desperate? Maybe. Now we have 4 running backs...I can't believe he chose Carolina with all of the young RBs we already have. This year is gonna be an interesting one. No Norwood, too many running backs, and a solid freshman quarterback. I can't wait till August...and of course November when we embarrass Clemsux again. ouch Jerk Bait Junkie, you gunna take that wow! Bulls gunna beat Florida this year woot woot, Florida State will play a little better but still suck.....and im an fsu fan......sorta, the sec will dominate and the big ten pac ten and all those confrences will be overrated like normal short of USC. GO Big East GO BULLS!!!!!! USF will be a good team this year.Good enough to beat Florida?? Probably not (unfortunately) but i do see it in the near future ..Skip Holtz runs a tight ship, he will get those guys ready to go...
  9. WE GOT MARCUS LATTIMORE! WE GOT MARCUS LATTIMORE! GO *****! I was going to post 34-17 until I saw your last comment. haha Spurrier even did the Cha Cha Slide with Lattimore's mother to get Marcus to play here. Desperate? Maybe. Now we have 4 running backs...I can't believe he chose Carolina with all of the young RBs we already have. This year is gonna be an interesting one. No Norwood, too many running backs, and a solid freshman quarterback. I can't wait till August...and of course November when we embarrass Clemsux again. First ,you need an offensive line to open up holes for those running backs and to protect that "solid"freshman quarterback or you"ll still be in the same boat as last year.. and yes they do get a win over us once about every ten years or so......and besides me living in Columbia its not like i don't hear about it every day, but i guess when beating a rival team is the highlight of your year you gotta do something right??...To bad they couldn't have a bowl win to brag about :'( :'(.....and Clemsux????please ..thats nothin compared The Carowhina Shamecocks... and any man that shouts GO *****!,,,, ;D ;D ;D ;D well i just gonna leave it there... :-X :-X lol ;D ;D
  10. Haha very true!!! maybe another 6-6 season with a bad bowl appearance might calm my nerves...lol ;D ;D and i'm sure it won't take to long for me to hear " well we beat y'all last year" :
  11. it is my understanding that USC (south Carolina) got the #1 running back in the nation? That stinks as i am a Clemson fan
  12. Usually how we split money( in poker games) is we start with the winner get the majority of winnings say 60% of the total prize then next would get half of that so second would get 30% third 10%. maybe just play around until it comes out to how ever many places you want to pay. In your case you may want to go with something like 40% 20% 10% 5% 3% and so on.
  13. On the last few outings i noticed that in places i would normally throw a spinner bait i instead thew a chatter bait. I guess it was and unconscious choice at first but i must say that i like chatter baits better. I think i just like the action better and have more confidence with it. Any body else out there put down the spinner baits and pick up the chatter bait instead?
  14. Very nice selections, but can a spinner bait collection ever really be completed? ;D
  15. Thanks everyone some great advice here which is one reason this sight is so great!!! ;D Do you think it would be better to cut some of the limbs of the tree that are not touching the water to make it easier to flip and pitch to? Or do those limbs provide some kind of shelter or shade for the fish? I do have a little pond boat i can fish out of but rarely get to do to time restraints so most of my fishing is from the bank. But on a good note i had a friend lose a brand new husky jerk and sebile swimbait on the dock out of reach by land so when i do get the boat out i can get 2 new lures ;D ;D ;D JK i would give them back Thanks again!! get the info comin
  16. Thank you fro the advise and the heads up on the algae, i really just didn't know what else to call it other than "pain in my a** grass". I haven't done much drop shot so its a good excuse to visit the tackle store and pick up some new stuff ;D
  17. Awesome!! thanks for the confirmation on the algae. Knowing is half the battle and thanks for the ideas i will definitely try them on the next outing Thanks everyone for the replies i will give them all a shot until i catch the big one ;D ;D ;D
  18. Hello everyone, i could use a little help with a pond i fish on a regular basis. I caught a really nice size LM (see my fishing trips /2010 gonna be a good year), but since then i haven't caught a thing, not even a nibble. I have attached some pics to give as much detail as possible. Some of the things you can't tell by the pics is, depth( about 12' at the deepest part which is the middle of the pond),water temp( about 45-50 degrees right now), and natural forage( bluegill, crappie, i have caught many of these out of this pond, frogs and other critters but no shad or other baitfish). Please take a look and see if you notice anything that could help. I have thrown everything at these fish, worms, topwaters, spinnerbaits, etc. The pics are as follows, submerged grass found in the pond about 2-4' deep which makes crankbaits and bottom lures very hard to use ,fallen tree by where the big boy was caught, sunken dock by creek entrance, water clarity about 2 feet with white spinnerbait, and water exit. Thanks so much for any advice you have :)
  19. I was watching some old bassmaster shows recently and it got me to wondering, what tackle that we have today would have been rejected by the pros in the earlier days. Do you think that if fluorocarbon line would have been introduced in the 70's would it have been as popular as it is today or would have the people rejected it as being trendy and to expensive? Me personally i think chatterbaits would not have made it, i can see some of the old pros looking at it and saying "no way am i using that crazy looking thing". What are your thoughts? What item would not be as popular in the old days as it is now?
  20. i think his information is ok but his delivery could use some help. Its very hard to follow him when he starts to repeat himself and pausing between statements. I think he just doesn't have a good camera presence, but his record definitely confirms he knows what hes talking about.
  21. Anybody have experience with the Chad R Hoochie from Mr. Blitz? I picked one up from a tackle store yesterday on sale for $2.00, i figured it couldn't hurt to try and at the very least i could cut the hook off and have a practice plug. Thanks for the info...
  22. The cheapest rattle trap i had. That's what makes this story kinda funny . I have a pond i get to fish and i really didn't think there were any big bass in it, just some blue gill and crappie. I have caught really small bass before but they were tiny. I was out just checking to see if the ice had melted off the top from the cold we have had lately. I had my ultra light and the worst bait caster you could imagine. Its a shakespeare (from walmart) and a cherry wood rod (also from walmart, notice the custom grip job lol). And i decided to just throw it a few times to see what would happen. On the 3rd cast...BAM!!! she hit it and at first i thought it was a stump until i realized that stumps don't swim away. It was a great thing except i was alone. Kinda like gettin a hole in one playin by yourself. thank goodness for camera phones.
  23. No i let it go..i had to lay it down to get the treble hooks out and take a picture .Only had my camera phone with me and no self timer so i couldn't hold the fish and take a picture.
  24. Started off my year by landing my personal best. I estimated this bad boys weight at around 7 pds. Not to bad
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