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Ima Bass Ninja

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Everything posted by Ima Bass Ninja

  1. Thanks guys!! It felt like i had set the hook in a stump.Luckily the water temps are still pretty cold and she didn't have to much fight in her. But i will say that she had no problem pulling drag out ;D
  2. Yay!! 2nd bass of 2011 and she was a doozie..Thinking somewhere between 8-9 lbs ..she was 22" in length and thinking 19-21 " in girth ;D
  3. Pretty funny ;D
  4. I care and i am pretty sure that if you want people to read your threads then you need to care too. At least try to make some sense of the thoughts or facts you are trying to convey. Are you in that big of a hurry that you can't insert a comma or at least hit spell check before you post?
  5. For me it gets me to look at it. If its endorsed by someone i admire then i will take a look at the product they endorse. If its not a high ticket item and i like the way its looks i may tr it for myself. If it is a high ticket item i will do a little more research and get some reviews, maybe even try on for myself before buying. Essentially all a name does is get me to look at a product. Case in point is the KVD 1.5 and 2.5 i like KVD and his fishing abilities are without question so i took a look at the new square bills but they didn't seem any better than what i am currently using so i haven't bought any..
  6. Generally when choosing a reel i look at the characteristic i may need for a certain technique. Gear ratio, durability issues(aluminum frame, gear material, etc,) and any other must haves for a certain technique. Then i look at comfort and style. Swept handles, small or big profiles, color, etc. Once i have narrowed the search down based on those categories then i choose the best price.. In short most reels that are constructed with the same materials and similar aesthetics are gonna fish relatively the same regardless of whose name is on it. There's a right reel for everyone and you have to decide whats right for you regardless of name brand. JMHO Having said all that i picked the PQ from BPS for my cranking needs. Its a durable reel that fits well in my hands, came in the gear ratio that i wanted (4.7:1 deep and 6.3:1 for shallow/ middle) has a nice silver color to it, and swept handle that for some reason i just like. Plus it only cost $99 new, for those reasons i choose the PQ and have been happy with that decision.
  7. Do you know what the name of the book is?? I've googled crankbait diving characteristics and got a few good ideas but didn't see any items for a book
  8. Thanks for the replies guys.. KW..I thought of this but seemed to be a very labor intensive process. Tying on a crank, getting a general diving depth , marking it, and moving to the next. I have about 20 cranks that i need to do so this would be an all day affair, i was just hoping for something a little faster. Goose...Whoa!!!!! Slow down my man... you are getting way to in depth for me (no pun intended);D ;D j/k....I know there are alot of variables that go into it , I'm just looking to narrow the general depth down to a foot or so. I also mark the book depth on cranks now but these were in my arsenal before i started doing it.. ( just FYI a post YOU made about marking book depth on cranks started me actually doing it...one of the best pieces of advice i have received here )
  9. I have numerous crankbaits that i haven't used in a while and really have no idea what depth they dive. I know there are more the middle range but we're looking somewhere between 5-10'. That's a big gap when you are trying to bounce things off the bottom. So my question, is there a formula for figuring out how deep a crankbait dives by taking measurements regardless of manufacturer? For example a 1" bill + 3/8 lure weight = 6' diving depth??? Thanks
  10. THATs...........a big worm ;D...Looks good, ..Good luck keep us posted on the results..
  11. On becoming a daddy!! http://sports.espn.go.com/outdoors/bassmaster/news/story?page=ProNews_MI_BabyAnnounce [edit]Again[/edit]
  12. Maybe a heat gun and scraper would do the job?
  13. Great Job Sweet reels ..I really like the looks and different gear ratios of the XT.. Guess all there is to do now save my money and wait till they hit the retailer..Quick questions though. Will you be promoting these reels at retailers like BPS and Sportsmans Warehouse or will places like Walmart be carrying them? I have noticed an increase in the amount of Pinnacle Rods and Reels that Walmart has been carrying lately and its a definite improvement to what has been sold there in the past.
  14. I have a 2000 Nitro nx 750dc. have 2 projects i need to complete on this boat . The first is to recover the middle seat. the picture was when i first bought the boat and has got much worse. I was wondering if you thought it would be better to try and recover it or just buy a new one. I have never recovered a seat before so i have no experiance. The second is carpet replacement. You can see in both pics a whiteish area that has now started to peel up. I was wondering how much trouble it would be to replace the areas that are peeling. I don't want to do the whole boat (meaning lids) . I have done carpet installation on houses before and didn't know if this was similar or not..Any help is appreciated. Thanks
  15. i had the same problem on my nitro when i bought it. I just took some liquid wrench and sprayed a little on it and let it sit for a day. then came back the next day and it pulled right off.
  16. 4/0 EWG. never had a problem with these..
  17. What'd you do tick off a pachyderm???... ;D J/K that's a sweet looking gun!
  18. I used to use a 6.3:1 for deep cranks like dd22 and 6xd and just recently switched to a 4.9:1 . It has been the best decision that i have made (as far as fishing is concerned) in recent memory. The slower reel unconsciously makes me go slower , and leaves my arm and wrist in much better shape at the end of the day than it used to be.
  19. Great job ..A great bag for sure..That last fish looks like it has something wrong with its tail or maybe its just the way its laying.. Still awesome catches
  20. Yes i fish them quite often. I have numerous one's for Subdivisions that we maintain and several that the inlaws have on there property. I have found that they are great for fishing and learning new techniques but usually don't hold really big bass cause of the size( mostly they are smaller bodies of water) and number of bass in them. I will say that there is one pond in particular that doesn't have the number of bass but does have some really big one's in there.
  21. I try to use green line when i'm fishing water with a green tint and clear line for clear water.
  22. I resemble that remark! How 'bout someone new and on top of their game? I'm thinking Katy Perry would have been perfect. You don't even have to like her music, but she's nice to look at and her hits are up-beat, fast paced and just plain fun...Even for country fans and old farts! : Whew. I read this reply quick and thought for a split second he wrote - - t s instead of 'hits'.... ;D That would have worked also. get....mind.....out...of....gutter.... Thats exactly what i thought at first too!!! glad i'm not the only one ;D ;D
  23. Teleflora commercial with faith hill.. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1ixijcuvPjY "Dear Kim, Your rack is unreal"
  24. I have a few walmarts within a 20 mile radius(actually 6 of them). Recently most of them have upgraded their tackle quality. 6 months ago it was all crap, but i have noticed that they have started carrying Mustad KVD triple grip hooks, Owner hooks, KVD square bills, strike king crank baits, an assortment of jigs( the luck-e-craft looks really good @ $1.96 per jig) besides arkie, and a few higher quality soft plastics. I also noticed they are carrying pinnacle baitcast combos (which is a huge upgrade to the shakespeare xterra) and pflueger spinning combos. 1 Walmart in particular had 2 Daiwa reels 1 was a Tierra for 119.00 and the other was an Exceler for $69.00 Hope they decide to keep adding better stuff as i now visit them a lot more often.
  25. I think the method of release depends on the angler in question. Most pros have developed habits of throwing fish back into the water so they can get their lure back in and continue to fish. Some pros on fishing shows do take the time to gently release the fish, but usually its a large fish and its merely for show. I can just about guarantee that come tournament day, you will not see 1 pro that has a short fish or is culling a fish that will take the time to nurse it in the water. Lets remember one thing..its a fish..that's all..not a child or human or some endangered life form. Fish Chris said it best on a thread very similar to this one " a fish has a better chance at survival if you drop kick it back in the water than if you take it home and put it in a frying pan"
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