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George Welcome

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Everything posted by George Welcome

  1. " have read that he is recently divorced and his wife took everythingmaybe that's why??? " That news is so out of date as to be pathetic. We're talking years out of date. This page is barraged with questions about sponsorship, yet those that actually have them are bashed for promoting them. Hillarious.
  2. Two different baits: what's your point? Add the Tiki and you have three different baits.
  3. Most sunscreen lotions block both A and B wavelengths today. Key to their success is to apply before exposure and then periodically reapply. Cover up with UV rated clothing is better but not everyone can afford that. However, sunscreen, mosquito spray, and life jackets are all things forgotten by most in their urgent need to get to those fishies. Hey, some even forget to put plugs in the boat to keep the water out, and gas to get them back from where they are going. The things we forget when in a hurry can fill a log book. Slow down, remember everything, and if you can't remember make yourself a check list.
  4. Simple - determine postive/negative in the outlet and match those poles on the plug. Present outlet configuration is a positive 12 volt, and positive 24 volt, and a ground. Remember to use the 24 volt positive.
  5. Your experience with the channel cats more than likely comes from their period of spawn. Cats are warm water spawners and what you are experiencing is their picking up the bait to move it away. It is also time for the pre-spawners to go overtime in eating which will cause them to be less selective in what they bite. Cats spawn in waters that generally range from 75 to 80 degrees which for most waters is May to July.
  6. The answer to your questions will vary based on location. The muddy water lakes of the Catawba river in North Carolina for example in no way compare with the muddy waters of the Connecticut river. However, that being said, a good all around muddy water bait is spinner bait, and depending on time of year wood cover can be a major area to spend considerable time.
  7. Go to Wally Mart and pick up a bottle of hull cleaner - put in pan and soak lures for a few minutes - gloves on your hands (mild acid) and a toothbrush will make them look new without harming paint or metal. Removes rust stains, mildew, oil, etc.
  8. Some facts about golden algae: There are over 300 species of golden algae. The below is of concern. The golden alga, Prymnesium parvum, is a tiny, one-celled aquatic organism about the size of a human blood cell. The alga is motile with two tails called flagella that help it to move through the water in lakes and ponds. A single drop of lake water may contain well over 2,000 cells of golden alga. Biologists suspect that golden alga is relatively new to Arizona and they consider it a nuisance invasive species. Golden alga releases unique toxins that affect gill-breathing aquatic organisms (mainly fish and clams). The alga is a rapid growing and resilient algae species, out-competing other algae for nutrients and thriving in a wide variety of environmental conditions. In a bloom situation (a bloom is an explosive increase in the population of one or several species of algae), enough toxins are released into the water to kill fish and other gill breathers that come in contact with it. The toxins cause fish gills to bleed internally, and lose their ability to exchange water and absorb oxygen. Fish then die of asphyxiation (lack of oxygen). Where does it occur? Golden alga was first identified in Arizona in April 2005. To date, golden alga has been confirmed in various public and private waters in the greater Phoenix area and in three reservoirs on the Tonto National Forest. Four Urban Fishing Program waters have been infested: Water Ranch Lake (Gilbert), and Alvord Lake at Cesar Chavez Park, Cortez Lake and Desert West Lake in Phoenix. It has been found in Saguaro Lake, Canyon Lake and Apache Lake. Golden alga was first discovered in the United States in Texas in 1985. Since then, it has caused fish kills in five major river systems and over 25 lakes or reservoirs in Texas. Texas officials have estimated the direct economic loss of over 18 million fish due to golden alga as $7 million. This toxin producing algae has now been documented from 12 states ranging from North Carolina to Georgia to Wyoming to Arizona. It was a scene Jay Stafford hopes to never see again. In early June 2002, the Colorado Department of Wildlife fisheries biologist was called out to Prewitt Reservoir, a popular 2,500-acre fishing lake in that state's northeastern region. Anglers were reporting dead walleyes, sauger, and other fish washing up on shore. By the time I got there, it appeared to be a complete fish kill, says Stafford. There were windrows of dead fish as far as the eye could see, 20 to 30 feet wide. The culprit was a deadly organism called golden algae. First identified in Israel, it showed up in 2000 in Texas, where it has damaged fisheries throughout the state. In Iowa, where it has since spread, golden algae has wiped out entire fish populations. The algae secretes a potent neurotoxin that quickly enters the bloodstream of fish to cause asphyxiation. No one is sure how it spreads, though boat bilges, bait buckets, livewells, and bird plumage are all suspects. Since these articles it has been confirmed to be even more widespread.
  9. I play kickball on the freeway, but only if the cars are going at 80 MPH or less. Of course it is as dumb as fishing during a T-storm.
  10. Brent: that particular algae is Golden algae and it is a 24 hr. a day dissolved oxygen user. It does not produce oxygen during its life cycle. If it flares into full bloom the consequences can devaste a lakes inhabitants.
  11. Current as a problem is a human problem. Bass's medium is water as a bird's medium is air. As a bird doesn't know what wind is, bass don't know what current is. It is all water to them. To them current only means an increase in food source in a given spot. They don't know current as some detriment to their enviornment. The attraction to current has nothing to do with current but rather to the increase in food supply present. This is true for all the water inhabitants. Current loosens and sweeps diatoms and such into the mouths of shad. The shad move in because of food abundance. The bass move in because of the abundant shad. Bear in mind that current can come from a relatively clean source devoid of primary foods. If this is the case then the shad will not move in, hence the bass won't move in. Also keep in mind that the water inflow must possess all the ingredients to sustain healthy life, and in particular dissolved oxygen. Matt: I believe your gates are open to absorb flooding conditions into the control of the lake. This flooding is rainwater runoff, and rainwater is devoid of dissolved oxygen. Hence the food chain cannot sustain itself in this envriornment.
  12. Largemouth love current if it draws food. No food, no bass. Today in current on a 1/2 day trip we caught over 60 bass. The bait setup for current is a C-rig. Look for fish in the heart of the current. Use enough weight to hold on the bottom but not so much it won't get swept along by the current.
  13. I would not have changed the title because it could have been correct: however? Touring Pro Mark Richards of Texas latched onto this one while fishing with me at the Marsh. Of course it didn't have the excitement level of this one:
  14. My #1 comment heard from customers is how much these Florida bass fight. People are quite amazed by what they perceive as bass on steroids.
  15. Both Japanese and Chinese bass have been stocked in south Florida. They are easy to differentiate from our bass. The Chinese bass aren't very popular because they just stick their heads out of the water and tell you they "just want to wook awound". The Japanese bass when caught are much more entertaining. They come up with their own cameras and take your piciture while muttering something about, "Clint Eastwood, Clint Eastwood".
  16. Lucky Muddy cause I have been looking for one of those for the last five years with no success.
  17. It's a good thing he only wants to be an amateur because schoolwise he already flunked out. After all he spelled his name correctly which means he has answered one to many weatherman topics correctly. It is a rule of any weather school that no question or forecast ever be answered correctly to include the spelling of ones name. The first time a weather student answers anything correctly they flunk out and are sent to Med school.
  18. Most algae are harmless although some less harmful than others. Yellow and brown algae will use DO more than the green algae. All algae can be harmful in a severe bloom by clogging gill structure, however this would be highly uncommon. Several of the algae are benefit as they provide a primary link in the food chain. There is one that is almost always harmful and that is cyanoalgae, or cyanobacteria. This is the blue/green algae that appears as an oil slick on the water. This algae is toxic not only to fish but also to humans in heavy enough concentration. A light bloom might kill smaller fish but is usually not harmful. A heavy bloom is the cause for many summer fish kills. A common algae, filamentous algae or spirogyra, is more of a pain in the neck than anything. Although this algae can get dense it is seldom harmful in a system. Commonly call hair algae, or snot, the most harm it does is clog up your spinner bait. Repeated episodes of algae bloom is indicative of some level of pollution and one would think that either sewage runoff or fertilizer runoff levels are substantial. Algae are natural but levels can be aggravated by fertlizer runoff. Algae as a whole is most harmful when decaying as it will absorb copious amounts of DO.
  19. Looks like a colonial algae to me similar to synura.
  20. Dew Point: Temperature at which water vapor will turn to precipitation When air temperature and dew point match you will have precipitation and when they are close you may have precipitation. The measurement is important to both marine and aviation activities. The most up-to-date is aviation weather - http://www.nws.noaa.gov/om/brochures/pilot.htm good read for understanding forecasts. Marine broadcasts are next assuming you are within proximity of the marine facility - for example the marine broadcast would be a better forecaster for Stuart then the generalized National weather forecast. Have fun as there is a lot to learn.
  21. There has been many challenges to the 16th Amendment to the Constitution with no successful challeges to date. The amendment was fully ratified in 1913. Those that have challenged and withheld payment have ended up looking out through barred walls.
  22. There is only one Senko and it is made by the Yamamoto company. Obviously, if they didn't work you wouldn't have heard of them.
  23. How to kill a fish part two. Feed them a bunch of candy until they have a tummy ache.
  24. Surprised that you haven't experienced the little buggers before. It's an ant swarm - very common down here and it was an annual problem when I lived in PSL.
  25. Start your day with a buzz bait.
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