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Hammer 4

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Everything posted by Hammer 4

  1. Well, after 7 months, and some ups and downs, Dee is finally coming home tomorrow. Still has the spinal cancer, and will need a bunch of care. She went through some heavy physical therapy the past 2 weeks, and her techs and doctor deemed that it was o.k. for her to return home. It's been a busy few days to say the least. Again Thanks for all the prayers and well wishes.
  2. OUCH!!!!
  3. Anglers Marine in Anaheim is a good option, and they sell boats.
  4. I have the Irod that Tom mentions above. I can tell you that it's A great rod for tossing 6" Hudds. Quality in this rod is well above it's price point, and I highly recommend it. I have a Diawa Tatula 300 on mine, but the Cardiff will work just fine.
  5. Never had to replace one on my spro BBZ, but, I would think a dab of epoxy would work just fine.
  6. 2" thick T Bone steak.
  7. Thanks. Chrome won't be supporting 8 after today, so you think I should stick with 8 ?
  8. Any bait over 2 oz. I go to a size 300 reel. A 200 just feels a tad weak when t comes to tossing that size of a bait.
  9. So windows 8 won't be supported starting tomorrow. I like 8, but I also would like some support, so my ? is, would you recommend using windows 10, or just keep 8 ? Keep in mind I'm no where near being all that PC savvy. TIA.. Greg
  10. Hands down, Red Snapper. Yummm
  11. And another vote for Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid.
  12. I used an older 806 Champion for the weight you listed, and never had any issues with hook sets.
  13. Fought almost everyday in Jr. high school, due to getting jumped by our enemies. Since then I fought competitively for 2 years in Martial Arts. Like Kirt, I tried my best to walk away from fights, and was pretty successful in doing so for the remainder of my life.
  14. https://www.yahoo.com/news/extremely-dangerous-storm-dumping-more-165459493.html
  15. We've lost another Guitar Icon. Jeff passed way to soon at 78. IMHO he was so under rated. He will sorely missed.
  16. In for the win... Yeah right lol
  17. I agree with it. Can't count how many times I've been skunked, but still had a good time.
  18. True, he would be better off getting 2 reels, a smaller one for frogs, and the 200 for the heavier baits. You will like the 300.
  19. Re: the Tatula 150, for smaller baits it would work fine, heck I throw frogs on my Fuego. But for the 2 oz baits, the 200 will work better imho. Anything over 2.5 oz then the 300 is the best choice.
  20. Seen the price of Chicken lately..? I can remember when you could buy a Whole chicken for 29 cents, now a about a pound of chicken breasts is in the $11.00 range..
  21. No experience with current Shimano reels, but I do have a bunch of Diawa reels, including the Tatula 200 and 300, the latter which I use for heavier baits 3 oz and up. So, I suggest taking a Good look at the 200 Tatula, it works very well with the baits you want, I throw 6" Hudds on it al day long with no issues.
  22. Happy New Year to Y'all, have a safe one, and may you prosper in the coming year.
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