Alot would depend on where, time of year, and water temps. The OP posted this in january, which leads me to think that water temps had been cooling down, in which case it's possible the bass were not a active. Also he didn't mention which Hudd he was using, regardless there is one way that I've found gets more strikes, and I'm going to assume he was throwing a top hook 8" hudd, but the same would apply if it were a 6" version.
I would want to cast out as far as possible, letting the bait sink to the bottom, this where a ROF 12 or 16 works best, especially at the depths he was talking about. So the Hudd is on the bottom, now for painstaking part, that is you want to SLOW roll it, and I mean Really slow, as if the Hudd is feeding on bottom, also this is imho where a top hook works best, as sometimes bass will grab it by the tail, but you have to be Patient, wait till you feel weight, not just a tug, the second thump is when you want to swing on it, although bass don't always grab the tail. Telling the difference only comes with time on the water.
Another thing I do is smear my Hudds with some attractant which helps the bass hold on a tad longer, I use MegaStrike, but any good one will do.
If the conditions were more like spring or summer then I'll fish mine up in the water column cuz generally the fish are more active, and are will to chase a bait. I've used Stinger hooks, but only on the top, and have only hooked a few bass on them.
Since the OP hasn't been back here since 2011, I hope this helps anyone looking.