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Hammer 4

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Everything posted by Hammer 4

  1. Seaguar Stealth in 50 lb test.
  2. I have 7 Diawa reels, and I thread the line over the top, as the above members stated.
  3. The only Spro frog I use is the 65 in natural, and Amazon. I use more than 1 brand of frog, but I have no complaints with my Spro frogs.
  4. A 8 speed reel would be the Last reel I'd use for larger swimbaits. The fact is, very seldom if ever do I burn swimbaits. The BIG bass do not like to chase fast moving baits, because they expend to much energy for the amount of protien they would get. They are ambush feeders for the most part, they got big by being smart. As for the reel, I prefer 300 size reels, for the reason that Tom mentioned above. Line is Armilo in either 17 or 19 lb test depending on where I'm fishing. For me, I want to make the longest cast I can with bigger swimbaits, which would include glide baits. I've tried 200 sized reels, and the 300 just works better for me.
  5. Been throwing spinner baits for a looong time, caught 100's of fish, and some over 6 lbs. Never used a trailer, or a trail hook, lost very few bass due to short stikes. Knowing how to fish spinnerbaits imho is an art. Time will and some experimenting will bring dividens.
  6. Been there also. Was very hard losing out Lab. RIP Fenway.
  7. I'm the opposite. I'd Never buy new, I truely hate the looks of the newer turcks. Once I get my settelment from my insurance co. From my beloved 2003 Chevy Duramax got totalled, I'm not looking to buy anything newer than a 2006, and even those older trucks have to many dang computers and sensors on em.
  8. My reading comprehinsion sometimes fails me. I didn't notice you wanted to throw glides on mh rod, so the 168 would be a no go. What I would do is get a rod that suits the168 and a tad heavier. The Diawa XT serries runs about $ 100.00usd, I have 2 of them and am pretty happy with them. Plus the H/F wll give you more options to throw other baits.
  9. Back in 2009 I had my Shimano Curado E 7 fitted with ABEC 5 bearings, was a fairly big improvemnet over the stock bearins. Smoother and it cast a tad farthure.
  10. This is what I've been doing for 50 years.
  11. I agree with the above, the S Waver is a good place to start. A bait that's a bit heavier and has good action, is the Storm Arashi, cost is under 40 bucks.
  12. We had CB's making swiss chesse out of our wooden dog house. I got one of the electic cordless bug killers thing, set it at the opening of the dog house, the bees went away.
  13. I've had my Diawa Fuego 2500 reel for over 2 years, it saw everyday use for about 1 1/2 years. Still as good as new.
  14. Many years ago, I was fishing a 6" Mattlures trout swimbait, as the lure got close to the boat, a started lifting out of the water, to my surprise a 4 LB rainbow trout came flying out of the water, tryin to grab my swimbait, that trout came a good 2 1/2 feet up to get it.
  15. Make that 2 new backs ...if ya got em...
  16. My last reply on this thread. I suggest that OP go on you tube, and type in Bait, and or swimbait casting techniques. That should help you along.
  17. So for the last 60 years, I have scoliois and a healthy dose od arthiritis in my aging back. Like you Catt, I worked construction for many years, which didn't help my problems. I got so bad about 1986 that a flashy truck had to take to the hospital, because I could not walk. Back then I was put in traction for 2 days, and got some PT which helped some. The Doc prescribed some pretty heavy meds, which I gave up taking cuz it was a pain to wake up in the morning. Just today, my right side is really acting up, not much fun. Hope you feel better soon Catt.
  18. Just to add, the SB Jr. isn't made to throw 3 oz baits. I find that 2 1/4 oz is about the limit for good cast's. I think you need to give the rod some time, as don't know exactly how your casting it. Again, I have no problems with mine.
  19. I recall when gas was .18 cents a gal. and the attendent also checked your battery's level too.
  20. A long time ago, when I was using leaders, I would throw 6" Hudds on 40 lb braid, with a 12 lb leader, the knot I used was a double uni, consisting of 6 wraps per side. Never had any issues. And believe me, I was bombing that Hudd.
  21. Without knowing where you will be fishing, as someone said, it's kind of a crap shoot. Anyway, I'll give it a go. First, if the water is on the cool side, big bass do not like to Chase food, so in that respect, a big easy meal is the key. I'd throw a 8" Hudd and very Slowly creep it along the bottom, unless there is heavy vegatation, this makes an easy meal for the big girls. I like doing this especially if you have a riprap. Now if there is vegagation, then I would opt for a 6" weedless Hudd, and again move as slowly as possible, think easy meal. IMHO if the water is warmer, then the bait can be worked a tiny bit faster, if the bass are active. Also, jumbo size worms like the Uptjohn 10-12" worms could be a good choice. Then there are Jigs with big profile trailers that will get big bass. Just make sure to fish Where the big bass are, remember, the bigger the bass the better ambush spot they will have.
  22. I admitt, it's been awhile since I've looked, but when I did, there sure were way more positive reviews compared to the negitive ones. And lets face it, there's always going to be disgrunteled customers, and it usually happens to most products. Also if anyone did a a problem with the Irods, all they had to do is call Matt the owner to resolve it. As far as being "parabolic" my rods work really well, so I can't address that part of it.
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