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Hammer 4

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Everything posted by Hammer 4

  1. 5/8" marine grade plywood is fine. To make last as long as possible. Get some total boat primer, about $ 36.00 a Qt. and primer and holes and cuts you make. Good idea to primer the edges of the flooring also.
  2. The biggest bass I've caught on 6" and larger swimbaits have been after 12 noon, bright sunny days. Get out there when you can.?
  3. With that rod you can throw 6" Huddelston's. They come weedless, and with a top hook. They run about $26.00 USD.
  4. I always apply it right before fishing.
  5. San Diego Jam knot. Lately I've had to use the Uni knot due my hands being shaky due to meds I have to take.
  6. If I could only have one or the other, I'm going with brakes. They just seem to work better for me vs magnets.
  7. Always add some Mega Strike to mine.
  8. Not much I can add to all the above, except to say, I fish wakes, glides and soft swimbaits regardless of water clarity. I also would recommend checking youtube for how Butch rigs his baits. Fished with him a couple times, the dude knows how catch monster bass.
  9. I use to fish there 2 or 3 times a week. There are some good sized bass in those lakes. Haven't fished there in 5 years or so, but might make a trip there when I get my truck outta the shop.
  10. Sad day for sure. https://www.yahoo.com/entertainment/rolling-stones-drummer-charlie-watts-dies-at-age-80-164430812.html
  11. You ever fish Legg lake, if you have, been there lately.?
  12. Buy one, S wavers are great baits.
  13. Some years ago, I was fishing during a WON tourney at Lake Hodges, and was doing pretty well, as I've always done at Hodges. Anyway, I had 3 or 4 guys that were in the tourney come by and very politely asked if they could " fish through " in one case I was pretty much done in one spot , and told him yes he could. The other times even though I wasn't done with a spot, I gladly gave up my spot, figuring these paid $$$ to enter, and were trying to get some or all of the $$$ back, I was glad to help them. As a side note: When I saw the results, had I entered I would have wound up in 3rd place, I got a kick outta that. The winner had you been following some of the shady folks went down in flames.
  14. The 6 speed will work for many applications.
  15. Welcome. Being new, here's a link to all you need to know, lots of info for new folks. https://www.bassresource.com/bass_fishing_articles.html
  16. Tossing 8" and larger swimabits, and glides, ect. Not long ago, I could do it all day, now it's getting to be a chore. Went this morning with my Son, and was tossing my 7" glide, I could feel I was getting a bit tired after only about 45 mins. Jig fishing while needing lots of concentration, doesn't get to me much at all.
  17. I agree, the wire is my vote.
  18. I put my line in a old milk carton, or plastic bottle and write on it that there is fishing line inside. Then put in the recycling bin.
  19. This sums it up for me.
  20. I would also question why you use a fluro leader in vegetation. Straight braid will work just fine.
  21. Upton makes excellent big worms, and has been for years.
  22. Been using Elite for the past 4 months, I find it to be a very good line as far as memory, and stretch. Haven't any issues with abrasion so far.
  23. I do the same, except I use Mattlures bluegill, and crappie swimbaits in the small size.
  24. Jethro Tull Aqualung . Jimi Hendrix Axis Bold as Love Jeff Beck Beckola (sp)
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