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Hammer 4

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Everything posted by Hammer 4

  1. I voted Color, and here's the reason I did so. There is a good sized pond, actually a city park lake I use to fish on regular basis. Throwing 6" roboworms caught the vast majority of the bigger bass, but and here's the kicker, out of all the colors I had, only the Grape color caught fish, and also the biggest bass. To be fair, I've caught bass on a bunch of different lures, but the majority of those bass were in the 2 lb range. Also there was an older gent that fished there all the time, and his results were the same, Grape roboworm, which he caught a solid 9 lb'r on. Not to discount presentation, cuz it's also important too, and on some lakes that would take precedence over color.
  2. I would check with the county lifeguards before you fire that thing, maybe some rules re: shooting something like that on public beaches..?
  3. Just saw this...duh. A Very Happy Birthday to ya Tom. Just hope I can make as long as you have..lol
  4. There's always exceptions. None of the GC's here in so. cali allow fishing. I'm an avid golfer, and I'd hate to see someone fishing get clocked by a ball. Get hit in the head around your eyes, is not fun, been there done that.
  5. Even public courses don't allow fishing. IMHO fishing GC ponds is likened to fishing in a barrel, no pressure, and 99% of those fish have never seen a lure, so easy Pickens, i.e no real challenge.
  6. Cry me a river. I my club fished DVL in July, air temps were 115*. Wound up catching a 6+ lb'r in 3 feet of Clear water at a rip rap.. And yes that was the winning fish..?
  7. Been awhile, so here is the latest update on Dee's progress. She with the help of her PT's has gotten much more mobile, she no longer uses her walker, but she does rely on her light weight rolator wheeled walker, which gets around with pretty dang well. She is to the point where she does short walks w/o any assistance, but either me or my Son is near by. She also fixes her own meals, washes clothes and dishes form to time. We also had grab bars installed in our shower, and she can now take showers all by herself, which she really likes. Cancer is still there, and she does experience some real pain now and then. Oh, and last week my Son took Dee and his wife out to eat a nice restaurant, she had a great time. Lastly, Thanks to all the BR members for their support, and well wishes, and Prayers.
  8. When they use to treat a local city park pond with that blue stuff, I found that Grape, or any purple type roboworm worked really well.
  9. Steamed whole..Some butter and salt & pepper.
  10. Diawa Fuego 6 speed, with 50 lb Smackdown.
  11. I too save all my reel boxes, ya know...just in case..?
  12. Maui Jims are going on 6 years now, no complaints.
  13. Same goes for me..
  14. Totally agree with Tom, I use to breed Oscars, when I brought a new fish home I always let the bag sit in the water for about 29 mins so the water in the bag came up to temp of the aquarium water, otherwise the fish may go into shock, which Tom alluded to. Hope ypu fish make out o.k.
  15. Very happy to hear your getting out on the water. Big thanks to Jeff for taking you out. A Happy Safe 4th of July to you folks.
  16. Been using Megastrike for a long time, no complaints about it. I have used JJ's in the past, but the smell caused me to discontinue using it.
  17. Get it Fixed...
  18. Always look forward to June 21, first off today was our 55 year anniversary, so I like that. Went and played a round of golf today, had a great time up until my dumb back started cramping up, luckily I got through 15 holes before hand but was 4 strokes over my normal score, still a good day !
  19. A MH/F will work just fine for swimjigs.
  20. Tight as I can get with a bobber stop. Gave up on tooth picks long time ago.
  21. More than a few times when out at first light, I've thrown spinnerbaits, and more often than not, bass will either breach and strike it mid air, or hit as soon as it hits the water. So no, I doubt that a top water bait scares the fish. Remember Bass are Predators .
  22. I only use the 50 lb Smackdown, never had any issues at all.
  23. In all the years I've been throwing swimbaits, and glide type baits, I have Never needed to change anything on these baits. All this talk about changing out hooks ect. is IMHO not needed. What you do need is Time, learn how to control your baits. Big glide will pull big fish from deep water if fished properly.
  24. I have no favorites, I like all my rigs equally.
  25. M or M/L spinning rod with 8 lb mono.
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