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Hammer 4

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Everything posted by Hammer 4

  1. Unless someone has tried all of the rods in that price range it would be difficult to say.
  2. Never caught a 15 lb bass..........................Yet. ?
  3. When traveling I always put my rods, with reels attached in the bed of my truck (8') bed. Never used sleeves on any of my rods. Never had any damage to my rods or reels.
  4. Either in my pocket, or my backpack.
  5. I keep our home reasonably clean. Like the OP, I can't stand having my truck dirty, although it's white, and doesn't show dirt like say a black color would. It also ticks me off when I get water spots on the windows. Use Rainx but the spots still seem to stick t6o the glass..
  6. Can't help but I have to say it. I don't and won't watch those videos of the Scum that flew that aircraft into the twin towers, it just ticks me off to no end. RIP to all of those that perished in that event, and a huge Thanks to all of the first responders.
  7. Sorry, I'm late here, had to much going on with Dee. Super glad to hear Lynn is doing much better. I swear, sometimes I think/believe the Gals are much tougher than we give them credit for. All the best to Lynn and you. Give em hell Lynn!!!
  8. This ^^^ Get high quality supplements, not the ones from your local grocery store, they will cost more, but well worth it. In addition I eat 2 good sized Banans a day. No more cramps, even at night.
  9. Really hope things improve for ya. Must be very frustrating to go through all of this. hang there bro, will be praying for you and yours.
  10. Some years ago, Butch use to fish out of much smaller boat, and he still caught Big bass. Butch is a great guy, willing to share fishing info.
  11. Been using Rage products since they first came out, and still use them a bunch. Great to see ya on here Steve.?
  12. Don't forget the Huddleston 6 and 8" soft baits, they catch fish and won't break the bank.
  13. 9 times out of 10, I throw a spinnerbait, caught many bass on them. Jig would be next choice out of the 3 mentioned.
  14. Wow, didn't expect all this. Many thanks to all of you for the HB wishes, and Happy B day to those who also have a B day...
  15. Cheated death more than a few times, how lucky am I ? Honestly, I never thought I'd reach this age, I guess someone upstairs likes me..?
  16. Andy, you know that we are always praying for you and Lynn. I sure hope she can get through this, we hope nothing but the best for both of you.
  17. Spring. All of my biggest bass have been caught during that time of year.
  18. Old fashion Lunker Punker.
  19. Have always tied direct to spooks.
  20. If you have a defogger o the window get a pro to get it off, as you can damage the defogger pretty easy. In fact the used 2006 silverado I bought a coupe months ago has double limo tint, which I HATE, and I'm having my local window tinter remove it.
  21. Been lucky, in that all the Diawa stuff I have, has been flawless so far. Good to know that their service is top notch.
  22. Depending which city park ponds you fish, a dropshot isn't always a good idea, due to the shallow and yuky bottoms on some of those ponds/lakes. I've fished just about every city park lake in so. cali on a regular basis, and I can tell you that your best bet a t rigged 6" Robo worm with purple in it, Legg lake for example that worm on grape is killer. Alondra, El Durado, ect the t rig with a 3/16 or 1/4 oz weight, will work, another good bait is a 4" robo worm in hologram shad. Rig it with a 3/16 oz split shot about a foot or so from the hook, the worm in this case should be nose hooked. The fish you see in my avatar was caught at El D, on that same split shot rig. Keep in mind, other baits will work, but not as consistent as the ones I mentioned.
  23. Gotta admire your work ethic Andy. BTW, how is Lynn doing, hope she is doing o.k.
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