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Hammer 4

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Everything posted by Hammer 4

  1. Thanks for all the replies. I'll have to check out the Milwaukee stuff.
  2. Been looking at these for those Cold days to help keep me reasonably warm. Opinions welcomed. https://www.google.com/search?q=men's+heated+vest&rlz=1C1CHWA_enUS634US634&oq=&aqs=chrome.0.69i59i450.2026343755j0j15&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8
  3. Around 2007 I bought a couple of BPS rods, and 2 JM reels. They worked fine, no complaints. Then when I needed 2 more rigs, I went with Shimano which at the time was made in Japan, I also got 2 Dobyns Champion rods. Wound up selling the BPS stuff, and replaced it with Shimano rods and reels.
  4. Hmmm, long time ago I use to modify my swimbaits, i.e. painted the gills on my Hudds red. Added red hooks to my wake and glide baits. Far as I can tell, it made no difference in my catch ratio.
  5. Nope...They get treated with kid gloves and released asap. Usually I don't even take pic's of them, so they get back in the water fast.
  6. Same here, random times. If I click on Bass Fishing Forums, it shows e Not logged in, when I click on any of the forums, then it shows me logged in. Been happening for the last few weeks or so.
  7. Lemme see, started at 10, now 73, so 63 years.. How time flies when your havin fun..lol
  8. No heavy cover and up to 1/2 oz jigs, the MH will work fine.
  9. That is a Pretty fish, not to mention what a football she is.. Nice going.
  10. I HATE thieves. Can't be said enough. Hope you get the boat back, or at least some $$$$ from your insurance. Some very good advice above.
  11. Agree on the Sniper fluro.
  12. Example, I read reviews on say, TW for rods, sometimes for reels. However I read between the lines, some are from people for one reason or another don't like a certain manufacture and will give a negative review, while others that really have no long term experience with a product, may give it rave reviews, based solely on a very short term experience, or they just bough the product but haven't used it yet. I also will ask certain BR members their opinion of a product, those I ask I have confidence that they have enough experience and expertise to give me an honest answer. I will admit that I bought a rod on a recommendation from a well known YT'r, I was really let down on the performance of the rod, so I tend to stay away from those types of reviews.
  13. I don't know how you fella's deal with that Cold weather.. Raised in So Cali all my life, and getting up there in age, even at 60 degrees I get Cold. Anywho, stay warm you guys.
  14. Yeah, the howling our female use to let out was crazy sometimes.
  15. What bait are you using ? Also if fishing where there is Current, there is no need to Twitch the bait, as the current will impart enough action on it.
  16. Man, he's a good lookin dog. Sorta reminds me of our Malamute from many years ago.
  17. My truck, 2003 Duramax takes 10 qts. of oil, cost's me well over $ 100.00 every 3k miles. ☹️
  18. Except for the first few years, we've always shared house work. I still mop floors, clean whatever needs cleaning, dust, ect, ect. Just makes life easier on both of us.
  19. Uni to uni would be my choice. I use that knot for everything except drop shoting.
  20. I use both FC and mono, water clarity dictates which one I use.
  21. First off, in flipping, there is no casting, it's a technique for fishing real heavy cover, that isn't concussive to casting into. It's also a close quarter technique unlike casting. Casting or " pitching" to a target is totally different. Not sure if that answers your ? or not.
  22. I doubt they are or will discontinued, as they are pretty dang popular. One thing you might consider is to do a prepaid order at TW for the model you want, that way when they do arrive, you will be one the first to receive a reel. On second thought, not sure if you can do that nowadays.
  23. Check out Tacitalbassin. Matt did a great video on A rigs, the info should help you make a good choice.
  24. If I'm fishing shallow city park ponds/lakes, I tend to toss a 1/2 oz double willow spinnerbait. If I'm fishing deep lakes, I like a 2.8, or 3.8 Kietech swimbaits on a 1/4 oz underspin, such as the coolbait or flashy swimmer.
  25. It's getting bad when..........I have to book an appointment to get a new watch band put on my watch..☹️
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