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Hammer 4

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Everything posted by Hammer 4

  1. Back in the early 2000's, a friend wanted me to go to MJ park to fish. I knew the rep of that neighbor hood, and with some reservation I went, that was the last time I fished there, to sketchy for my liking. I instead began fishing Legg Lake, which had more to offer, and better fishing. I live 29 mins from 2 city park lakes that I've fished 100's of times, and feel pretty safe going there, even at night.
  2. Needle nose pliers, sunglasses, and my 32 oz Monster drink.
  3. I fish a bunch of city park ponds/lakes, so I fish from the shore. These local places that I fish, I've done it for so long, that for each pond/lake there are only a few presentations I've found that catch bass regularly, so no real strategy for this year. However being that there is a lot of water that can't be reached from shore, and the fact that I've caught numerous 5 to 7 lb bass from those places, I'm really going after bass that are at least DD. I've done that somewhat in the past, but this year I'm focused on the big girls out there.
  4. Megastrike goes on all my plastic baits.
  5. The last few days, I've had no issues with the login thing on my desk top... ?
  6. Cuz it's Fun.
  7. I hope we get DLS, I hate having to change all the clocks in our house for one thing, I like the extended sunlight also.
  8. The brand is DMT, it comes in a nice wood case. The actual board is blue plastic with the perforated diamond I'm guessing glued on to it. This board is at least 20 years old, not sure if they even make them any longer. If you have a specialty tool store near you, that would be your best bet on finding one. I've never checked home depot, or Lowes for them, but might worth a look see at those places. Oh, the board itself is 1 2/1"X 7" or there abouts.
  9. For me and my semi shaky hands, I don't think I'd trust myself using my dremal tool. It's probably much faster doing it your way..
  10. Nope. I use a Diamond board that I used to sharpen my wood chisels years ago. And yup it takes forever, but they are very sharp when I'm done. I also use a high power magnifying glass to check my progress. Most of my hooks are also Owner.
  11. I still use the clamp on type split shot, only cuz I have a ton of them. So far I've yet to have my line compromised using them.
  12. Sahara doesn't have the anti reverse. Which the OP was asking for.
  13. For other presentations yes, I use to fish barbless, but not frogs. Why, because with frogs your hookup ratio is much less than with any other bait. I'll keep my barbs on my frogs, thank you very much.?
  14. I just ignore the being not signed in thing. Just browse the site as normal.
  15. Glenn posted some great advice, which I try to do. Being only 73, I've mellowed out a bunch. For those that in anyway doubt Tom, I've met him, he's a super nice, and knowledgeable guy. Hang in there Tom, many on here take your advice re: bass fishing.
  16. I have the best luck with double willow blades all year round.
  17. You could use 30# braid for the super spook. I've thrown 2.5 oz baits on 30# braid in the past without any issues.
  18. Define " big ".
  19. I've had good luck with both the bullet, and swimjig type heads on my spinnerbaits. If I'm fishing around cover, I prefer the bullet type, open water both work for me.
  20. My inexpensive Diawa Feugo 8 speed works just fine. ?
  21. 7'4" H Tatula. Line is 50lb Seaguar stealth braid.
  22. 6 speed would be my choice.
  23. Most anytime, especially during the winter months when the ponds/lake did their trout plant.
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