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Hammer 4

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Everything posted by Hammer 4

  1. Man..I'd love to catch one of them toads... Nice fish, and Congratz.. 8-)
  2. Absolutly..X2
  3. X 2..keep an eye on ebay, and craigslist, as some of your stuff may wind up there...Dam thieves. >
  4. Yup, at a distance, it's hard to tell a real trout form the catch 22.. at least it is for these Old eyes.. ;D
  5. I made the Mistake of buyin a cheap wallyworld spinner..secdond cast the skirt fell off.. > I agree, shop at the mom and pop shops if possible..W/o going into a triad..walmart doesn't do much good for anyone. imho.. This will probably get deleted.. ;D
  6. Congratz..that's a Nice lookin fish!!
  7. First off, nice pic's.. Don't feel to bad, the first time I took my Son bass fishing when he was 9, he's now 34..I told him to cast his spinner bait right next to a stump..bait doesn't even hit the water and a 5 lb'r tags it..he had big fish of the day.. ;D Always good to see the young un's fishin.
  8. Why the heck not ? ;-) More of a challenge with arificials.. Actually, I threw a few live crawlers yesterday.... but both of the two fish I caught, were on artificials. Go figure :-) While I don't really concider crawlers "live" bait, like minows, and craws ect..nothing in fishing is a sure thing, but it's fun tryin.. ;D Peace, Fish
  9. Live crawdad on a rocky point..never fails.. Disclamier..I haven't used live bait since 1986..
  10. I have to go with Crappie, and trout...and I agree about getting them on ice right after the catch. Trout out of COLD water tastes best. We have some man made lakes that don't stay really cold, so if the trout aren't from the high ground I won't eat them. So Cal sucks due to the warm climate...sometimes. ;D
  11. Check your PM's..
  12. X2..when Bass are finicky dropshot em.. ;D
  13. Sorry, I should have listed my line, which Izorline XXX 12lb test. See, this is whats makes this site so cool, as everyone had great advice. WRB, I think you also have hit on one of my sore spots, as I tend to bury the eyelet quite a bit..I'll stop..I did use a couple of straight shanked hooks, then switched, the ewg offsets seem to get hung up more too..So, I'll take your advice, and put to use.. Thanks again to everyone! 8-)
  14. And on top of all that...I don't give a rats a$$$ what his producer listens to as far as music goes...sooooo boreing..
  15. Thanks bro....my rod doesn't go up nearly that high when I set em..at least I don't think it does... :-[
  16. I think I've made that mistake re: the slack in my hurry to get the fish..from now on, I'm making a Effort to reel down and set the hook, instead of just pulling up hard. Thanks again!!
  17. Great info..!! My rod is a 6'6" med fast action, bait is mainly roboworms..after reading all of the replies I'm pretty sure it's my fault for having a 1..slow hookset..2..not keeping the rod at the correct angle, and 3rd allowing some slack in the line for a split second.. 90% of the get off's happend with a texas rig with a non pegged bullet. Thanks for all the info..you guys rock.. 8-)
  18. Funny you should mention that ...I did that the last fish I lost..
  19. Hope this is the correct place for this ? In the last couple of fishin trips, I've had more lmb get off then I have in the last month. I usr gammy or owner hooks depending on what's in stock. I use 2/0 to 5/0 ewg offset hooks for worms, hooks are new, but for some reason I'm losing fish.. :-[ Oh I should say they usually get off when they jump, or are on the surface. Any thoughts..?
  20. If this was some how directed at me, I didn't mean, and or wasn't critizing, but merly pointing out what I saw..I try to handle fish with kid gloves, and take pic's as fast as I can..also I totally agree with you.
  21. Some fishing shows are guilty of the 30 sec rule.. Re: tournaments, well the way some of those guys "horse" those fish onto the deck it's surpriseing more don't die. I've seen some tourny's where the fish look kinda beat up, i.e. missing scales, ect.
  22. Good post..I can only relate to non boating Assume's..I've learned that over the years. Sometime ya have to fish "outside" the box..
  23. The top 2 fish getters on my dropshots are 1...5" Senco 2...Roboworms..be nice if the roboworms had just a tad more girth at the head..some of em tear kinda easy when I stick the hook in.. ;D
  24. My extrem doesn't seem to cast all that far, but then I'm still learnin how to use a baitcaster again.. Also I'm gonna do the EBEC7 bearing upgrade and hope that helps the distance.
  25. Hmmm, none of those sites list the BPS reels..guess I'll have to pull the bearings and mic em for sizes.. :-[
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