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Hammer 4

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Everything posted by Hammer 4

  1. X 3..I voted May... ;D
  2. I fish worms Alot! lol as mentioned there are several ways to fish a worm..The bass will let you know what works best. You do everything from slow rolling to deadsticking. There are times when t riged I will cast out, and let my bait sit for up to 2 or 3 mins..then just twitch it a few times or I'll make it crawl for a foot or so, then stop, twitch and repeat or vary the retrive. Experiment with your retrives, sometimes you can catch fish by swiming your worms, it just depends. Also try mixing up the variations when you retrive,i.e. cast, twitch..then slow roll it, ect. If you have timber in the lake, I find that if I can get the worm to slide up a log/branch and let it sit, then wiggle it a couple of times, that gets strikes when other things don't work. Good luck and think outside the box..
  3. Any updates..? Prayers sent from so.cali...and hoping for the best.
  4. I feel the same way...
  5. X 2...although I spooled up with yo zuri hybrid this time around to see how it performs. I also use izorline on my spinning reels..
  6. Any chance you could relocate to so. cali..??? ;D
  7. I've spooled up 1000's of yrds on spinners, never had line jump off..I tie a slip knot around the spool, and apply some tension while reeling the line on. oth, I usually use softer line, i.e. triline xl, ivorline xxx, or yo zuri hybrid. Oh, you might try some KVD line conditioner too..
  8. My son has the elite, I have the extrem bps...no comparison..Although the morris is nice, I would also opt for a shimano, or other reel.
  9. I just need #1 and 3..
  10. I just spooled up my bc with 12lb hybrid...
  11. My Son has one, we both bought rods the same time at BPS, I choose the bps, now I wish I had bought the Allstar after trying his out...
  12. I voted sheemano...always had good luck with them, plus the customer service is good, that's not to say the others aren't just as good. I've had a few Diawa's that served me well too.
  13. Good info Catt..I use to bump the wood, but haven't since I started fishin again...guess I'll have to go back to my old ways..
  14. Don't drink, use to drink socially" about 20 yrs ago..Although I'm not on the water everyday, I have never seen anyone tippin a beer or anything else. I did run across a drunk at a local fishery a long time ago, the dude reeked of beer. So no, no acohol for us..
  15. I try to support the small company's when ever I can. If they have a good product, I forgo the big names.
  16. See, this right here is why I'd like to move to Tx, or some southern state...in cali. the criminals have more firepower than the cops.. Kinda ot. but what about Ga...there should be some good fishin down there...right.??? And yup, I have guns too.. You got that right, I may live in a Blue state, I'm Red Minded, but our state is pretty good with gun laws. It's an open carry state, not that many people exercise that right here. We are a concealed carry state to, so its not that bad.
  17. I always watched his shows. Ole Dave has a personalty all his own..lol We just moved and our cable company doesn't offer wfn or any fishing shows,, :'(
  18. That would be awesome... 8-)
  19. Local guys if any would have a huge advantage..I don't have a clue who'd win ect..But I too would Love to see a tourny w/o any gadgets..
  20. I live in so.cali, If I had to move it'd Texas. I know there are other states that have good fishin, but I hate the Cold..lol
  21. Kinda depends, where I fish. my mood..ect normally I fish with my Son, who's 34, but when we do go, I get the task of manning the dang trolling motor..lol but 99% of the time, I enjoy the company. I never fish with a group. In the old days I fished by myself at least 100 times.
  22. Most of the time..sideways..
  23. Current....Skeet- KVD.. Past..Hank Parker, Larry Nixon, Don Iovino.. There aren't any I can think of that don't like..those listed are my faves.
  24. And...where are the pic's..???
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