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Hammer 4

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Everything posted by Hammer 4

  1. Nice slab..and congratz on the new boat.
  2. I'm to lazy to research...does Phluger make a lefty in both bc and spinning..?
  3. Is anyone else catching bass..? Btw, K Mart isn't the best place to buy tackle ect, try a local sporting goods ect.
  4. Funny Mike... ;D
  5. Don't forget worms like roboworms either..
  6. Fish Chris, I sorta agree, if you think 455.00 is alot, my 03 duramax went up to over 500.00 this year.. >, still our lic fees are higher than everyones..my opinion is that the folks in charge make too much $$$ in our state, thus we up the ying yang for stuff others pay much less for, just my take..sorry for the rant..
  7. Other than using 14 lb line, I's say go down to 8 lb, 10 at most, providing everything is in good cond. Also could be the rod.
  8. I've only used the Castic, and Spro..haven't caught a fish on either one..Of the 2, I prefer the action of the Spro
  9. And..if your fishing where there are stumps, toss the spinnerbait so it hits the stump..I've had bass hit my spinnerbait before it hit the water when I hit a stump and a 5.4 bass hit it. Another thing, you can fish a spinner bait just like a jig, toss it out, give your rod a twitch, or not, let the bait fall, stay in touch with your line, as a bass may hit it on the way down...retrive, twitch, stop, then do a long sweeping motion with the rod, stop and repeat. You can bottom bounce it too.
  10. And then sometimes, like in my situtaion, fishing from shore, basss are 10' away, I toss everything in my box, and NADA..they just look at it, or swim 5 feet away, then return when I reel in
  11. I've caught 4-7 lb rainbows on 8lb yozuri with a black and silver rat l trap..also have got trout on 4" finesse worms t rigged.
  12. I have a Rick Clunn bps 7' rod that works great, even with the bps extrem bc reel, I can toss a weightless senco a good distance. It's probably not the lightest, or the most senitive, but it catches fish for me.
  13. And never discount plastic's..i.e. worms, craws, lizards, ect. I would toss a dropshotted senco or Carolina or t rig a finesse worm..
  14. Try here.. http://www.sunglasswarehouse.com/
  15. Man...what I wouldn't give to hook into some Bass like that. Nice work!!!
  16. What I'd like to know is. Is it legal for any co. to do something like that, I mean it has a huge impact on the enviorment and all, I should think someone woulda done something..I know here in cali the serria club would have been all over them with a lawsuit. I hope ya find the fish again..kinda sucks your spot was destroyed.
  17. WTG...Congratz...your a celeb now huh..??? 8-)
  18. Welp, I went and bought a couple, tried them out this am..and you guys are right, they do run just fine...to bad the bass weren't cooperating though...lol Thanks again..
  19. A little more info please..i.e. type of hooks your using, are you trying to set the hook as soon as you feel a bump/tap on your line. Getting hit 3 times in 2 hrs would be considered good in some places, bass are funny like that..they'll slam your bait like crazy one minuet, then nada the next.. Try different presentations, i.e. toss it out, let sit for a count of 15-30, twitch it a couple times, and repeat except do a count to 10 to 15, you can try slow rolling the worm..you can try drop shotting, texas, or rig it wacky..
  20. Ya know, it's always great to see the kids fishing, and having great pic's makes it even better...nice job to both of ya..
  21. Yeah..hope you get a lot of fish and some Big un's too..and yes, Thanks for serving... And be safe...
  22. Yup those afre the ones I was lookin at..Good to hear. Anyone else..?
  23. In so.cali..NILIF...it's all about makin $$$$$ >
  24. Was wondering if anyone has opinions re: the diawa cranks, spicificlly the suspended 6' diver in a bluegill pattern..do they tend to not run so true, do they catch fish..ect..? I realize the lucky craft ect are probably better bailts, but for abot 7.00 I was lookin at the diawa's.
  25. In Cali licence is 41, or 43.00..old age sure messes with your memory..lol Some lakes charge up to 22.00 per person, plus launch fees, around 8.00 on the pay to fish lakes, if you rent a boat, could cost ya over 100.00 to fish for a day, at others with a rental boat (don't own a boat) could be as little as 55.00..
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