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Hammer 4

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Everything posted by Hammer 4

  1. I double loop mine through the splitring, never had a problem, I usually tie a chinch knot, seems to work better than a palomar for me..?
  2. I'm with Cart71..but I have to admit..being a worm guy, I love watching bass Explode on a topwater bait.
  3. I Hate you....LOL! ;D Dang...awesome pic's of that lake.!!!!!!!! BTW, what's the biggest bass you've caught there..?
  4. Need, I don't think your missing anything..I was simply trying to show that you can fish slow-er, and get fish. I only used that senairo as an example. everyone has their own ways of fishing, whatever works for you, and your lake, pond ect is what to do. Again, there's no Set way imho to get fish, ...I love worm fishin so I feel really confident when I toss a worm, or any soft plastic out there. hope that clears things up.. BTW, I haven't used a sonar since the mid 80's...Just got a portable a few weeks ago, and I'm dyin to try it out.
  5. Just ordered some 10" Ragetail anacondas in 2 colors..
  6. I bought a bag of 7" gulp powerworms last Feb..and I still haven't caught a fish on em yet. :-X
  7. Ahhh heck, I broke down and ordered some anaconda's and toads online..
  8. Re: fishing Fast..just another take on it, not to say it's right, or wrong, just different. I've been on lakes where there were 30 boats for a tourny, and it's not a big lake..anyways, I see folks pull up, and work the shallows, throwing a wacky senco, which is fine, but they fan cast, and retrieve at a fast pace, which I don't understand when your using that kinda rig. So for the heck of it, my Son and I follwed this tourny guy, we stayed well behind him as not to bother him..we get to where he was fan casting his. My son was rigged with a dropshot wacky senco, I was tx rigged, he cast's parellel to the shore about 5' out, and lets it sit there for maybe 10 secs. take 1 turn of the reel, and blam, hooks up with a solid 3.6 lb'r. Now, in my mind fishing a tad slower might have gotten him a good keeper for that day, maybe...but it was worth a try to slow things down and give the fish a better chance at taking the bait, imho. So both have their good points and bad..well maybe not bad, but you get the idea.
  9. Could be that the 'loop" that goes around the hook could be getting caught where the eyelet meets the shank, I know I've been in a big hurry to tie a hook on, and danged if the loop didn't cinch down on the eyelet all the way...wound up losing my t rigged worm..lol
  10. And, there are still some lakes that won't allow private boats on the water due to those pesky little mussel's..Although I don't have a boat, just thought I'd let you guys know. As for the BIG Bass, well, I've never hooked one up that weighed over 6lbs...so I couldn't tell ya... :-[
  11. Welcome back...although I don't know you, as I'm sorta newish, I have read some of your posts, and found them very interesting, and informative.. Greg
  12. When I build something for someone, i.e. a new deck, fence, ect..and my saw breaks, I don't stop, or give up and not build anything else. I replace, or fix that tool, and move on...same with fishing. That's why we generally have many lures, to replace those that are lost.
  13. Dang...Texas is lookin better, and better all the time..lol Nice fish!
  14. Great!!!!! he seems to enjoy lookin at that bass..lol Cute kid too...you should be proud.. 8-)
  15. Saw a fish tv show once, they were so america fishin for peacock bass. This dude throws a topwater bait under a overhanging tree, and this 20 lb peacock just Explodes on it, big males are really colorful, also they put up a good fight. Keep fishin, I'm sure you'll find the big guys.
  16. Great post, great fish...and congratz on your PB, on the Rage Tail.. 8-)
  17. I've never in over 25 yrs seen a bass clear water, except when a 5.5 lb'r caught my spinnerbait before it hit the water..
  18. I'm gonna say yes also..
  19. So ..Dink, you gonna get a kustom rod, or one of them store bought ones..?
  20. I wish I could find a tackle shop that carries them..
  21. I have used alot of lines, including triline xl...then there's this guy on here named Road Warrior...lol Anyhow, I have been using YoZuri Hybrid Ultrasoft for about the last month or so, and haven't switched brands yet, and I don't even spray it with KVD line conditioner. Oh have used both 10 and 12 lb test, cast's a tad better with the 10 lb.
  22. Well, looks like I'm the ODD one...lol I do use the 8# on my 2500 Shimano spinnin reel, why..? for a couple of reasons..I fish alot of city park ponds/lakes..all of them have rocks, and or debris that people seem to feel compeled to throw in the water..so, I feel that I need the 8 # for the abrasion factor.. Also, 99% of the lakes I fish have stick ups, rocks, timber..ect.again, I feel better with the 8#...just mho..Oh, and I have never felt the need to spray the yozuri us with kvd line conditioner..
  23. RW, I know..I've had Shimano's for over 25 yrs..however, I'm looking at reels this time with an open mind..
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