Re: fishing Fast..just another take on it, not to say it's right, or wrong, just different. I've been on lakes where there were 30 boats for a tourny, and it's not a big lake..anyways, I see folks pull up, and work the shallows, throwing a wacky senco, which is fine, but they fan cast, and retrieve at a fast pace, which I don't understand when your using that kinda rig. So for the heck of it, my Son and I follwed this tourny guy, we stayed well behind him as not to bother him..we get to where he was fan casting his. My son was rigged with a dropshot wacky senco, I was tx rigged, he cast's parellel to the shore about 5' out, and lets it sit there for maybe 10 secs. take 1 turn of the reel, and blam, hooks up with a solid 3.6 lb'r.
Now, in my mind fishing a tad slower might have gotten him a good keeper for that day, maybe...but it was worth a try to slow things down and give the fish a better chance at taking the bait, imho.
So both have their good points and bad..well maybe not bad, but you get the idea.