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Hammer 4

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Everything posted by Hammer 4

  1. I like to catch fish..and while catching a 12# bass would be great, going 7 hrs. without catching anything would be a drag..So I'm gonna say #1..I'll take 1-4 lbr's all day..
  2. Well, maybe Smart was a bad choice of words..I think "conditioned" to most lure would be a better discription.
  3. Ditto what Roger said...I'll take 3 lbr's all day...keep at it.
  4. You had a Great day..that last pic of the BIG un on the spinner bait made your day......I bet..lol great report and pic's.
  5. i think you need to do what works for you..personally, I like the 7 footers, my spinning rods are 6'6" 7' and 7'6"..and I'm lookin for a 8 footer. BC rods are 2 at 7' 1 at 6'6". the 6'6" was a present from my Son..so I'll keep that one..
  6. If this is a cement pond..like our city park ponds, with the bublers/foutians..we are in the same boat so to speak. The only structure is maybe some big ole rocks, and weeds..there are many spots on the pond you can't reach due the size of the pond. Also the water is very shallow, i.e. the very deepest is 5-8' in the middle (out of reach) I have seen 6 to 8 lbr's in one of them. These ponds are Heavily pressured, so the big girls are smart. I try to throw anything they others aren't, but I too can't seem to hook the big un's..btw, we are way past the spawn. My guess is the girls are resting..you can get the 2-5 lb fish sometimes if you know what to do, fishing in these places is really tough. Just keep trying, I stick mostly with soft plastic's, but I've thrown everything I own, and then some..lol I'll get me a taod, just a matter of time..
  7. I've fished em every which way..all I have is the babybass, still haven't got a bite on em.. :-[
  8. I got the 10" anaconda in bama craw, and greenpumkin..got my toads in green0umkin with chartruse ..haven't really put em to the test yet..anyways, I think you chose good colors..cept, how come you didn't get the 10" anaconda in bama craw..?
  9. For me, there is no regular, weight depends on conditions..i.e..shallow and calm, 1/8 oz..wind and deep, I'll toss a 1/2 oz..If I have a 10" ragetail anaconda, I'll use a lighter weight. If I'm fishing from shore, and need to cast further to get to a spot that I think will produce, I'll use a heavier bullet..But, I try to use the lightest weight I can.
  10. Absolutly...
  11. X 2..I try to learn as much as possible re: cover , structure, ect..now that I have a sonar, it will make things easier.
  12. Yup, I even got a bad spool of YoZuri hybrid...lol
  13. What a beauty...what I really liked was when you said..gave her some oxygen, and sent her on her way.. Good stuff!
  14. Are you sure the "loop" on the palomare isn't getting caught where the eyelet, and shank meet..? That'll break almost every time. I also do the same as Sammy re: running the tag through the eyelet.
  15. Splitshot, or drop shot..0/1 offset hook. leader is usually about 12-16".
  16. Well, Itossed my new to me ragetail toads at the local city park pond tonight..I learned one thing real quick, you better have that t rigged hook really Striaght or the toad/frog swims wierd..lol Action on these things are sweet, didn't get any fish though..next time
  17. I've had many hobbies, from playin basketball, tennis and golf (5 handicap) to gettinto drag racing, rode dirtbikes, then I did some motorcycle roadracing, all of which I had to give up due to injuries.. Now I mostly fish, for Bass, I also play a little geetar, which I've done for the last 8 yrs..and still not very good at it..lol So, I Fish eat sleep fish
  18. I tried the quickfire reels many years ago, never could get use to them...As a result, I stay away form em..
  19. I just ordered yesterday....
  20. I had the bps extrem finesse rod..i liked it until I broke it..lol I woulda got another except they were out, so I got the Rick Clunn instead..so far, so good.
  21. Good stuff Eddie..
  22. Well, I can say this..you don't see any fish reports, or at least I don't, where some says they caught a dd bass. So I guess most if not all folks are keepin the catches on the lowdown, can't really blame them, what with all the pressure our so.cali lakes get, and not to mention the poachers ect.
  23. Great info...learn sumpin new everyday..
  24. That's Good to hear, cuz I just ordered a bunch of ragetail toads.
  25. I have 1 Spro swimbait, and 2 crank's..all the rest are spinner's and soft plastic's..go figure..LOL
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