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Hammer 4

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Everything posted by Hammer 4

  1. Might check the shimano Clarus rods, usually about 79.00 with a lifetime warranty..also the basspro shops rods are pretty decent too, I have both.
  2. Yup, nothing better than to see the big ole smile on a kids face when they catch a fish..
  3. Come on Muddy, nobody would do that... Oh yeah, mine is still roaming in a lake somewhere too.. :-[
  4. Can always count on Muddy for a good laugh..lol ;D
  5. I too use yozuri on my spinning, and baitcasters..10lb on my baitcaster for lighter lures, and plastic's..12 lb on my swimbait baitcaster, and 8 lb on my spinning, and the reason I go 8 lb, is cuz we have lots of big ole rocks and stuff that can cause some serious abbrassion. I have been using yozuri for only about 1 month or so, and wouldn't even consider anything else at this point. btw, I use the ultrasoft.
  6. This site has done alot for me...introduced new baits, rods, reels, ect, and has helped me better understand what it takes to catch more fish, and better quality fish. I'll take this oppertunity to thank all those that have in one way, or another contibuted thei knowledge so that we may catch better fish.
  7. Nice...I ordered my Mattlures male bg floater too, along with some ragetail toads, and tiki sticks from TW.. Gotta say, Matt was really helpful in me makeing my choice on which one of his baits to buy...I also got his 5" trout from my loacl tackle shop..and my new rod and reel. Oh, I already had the BBZ dirty shad slow sinker..
  8. Thanks...I have looked at the Mojo's in the past..the deal on the calcutta was just to good to pass up. Got to do some casting at the local city pond, still gettin use to it, but at least the distance is fine, just gotta get within a foot of my target..lol I'll be at the lake tomorrow, and hopefully get some bass with the new rig..
  9. I dunno...how good do you look..? ;D
  10. I gotta say....this is a great thread..
  11. I find that slower retrive works best, also if your going to 'twitch" it, Very little rod movement is needed.
  12. 10, or 12 lb yozuri ultrasoft works great on bc'rs too..
  13. Was that the Ultra soft..? *** does carry Yo Zuri Hybrid, perhaps it doesn 't carry it in clear but it carries it in camo green.
  14. I have used spinning gear for triggin for over 15 yrs..no problems..
  15. I Completley agree with Raul..as I have the Clarus, and the Shara.
  16. Matt, I think we have to take into account the shear number of fishermen out there when the lake are open. Yes some of the SD lake are only open certain days, but when they are,look out, the big bass boats are Flyin to get to their fave spots. As for most LA county lakes, i.e. Castaic, Piru ect..open 7 days, and yup you can fish em at night. It would be really nice if we (my Son and I) could go to a lake, and not have 30 other people around at the same time. BTW, there are lakes in Texas I'd love to fish..I'm no expert, nor am I a trohpy hunter.
  17. Well, I went and bought my rod, and reel today, got a Smokein deal on the Shimano Calcutta rod, 7'6" MH, was only a few bucks more than the Okuma..also didn't buy the Curado, a low profile reel just didn't seem to "fit" on the bigger handle, so I got the Cardiff 201A, spooled up with yozuri 12lb hybrid. Gonna take it for a test run tomorrow. Thanks for all of your replies, much appreciated.
  18. I wish someone would Tell me how to catch a 25lb bag..Easily. No offence, but some of so.cali's best have a hard time gettin a 25 lb bag and that's on some of our best lakes. I can usually get 2-4 lb'rs..it's the dd girls that I'd like to catch. Then again, maybe I'm just lousey at fishing..
  19. I'll be throwing mainly Mattlures hard bluegill, and other lighter baits, the Mattlures weighs 1.65 oz..so now I'm thinking the 7'6" MH would be better..?
  20. I'm looking at the GS-C7111MH...opinions..?
  21. Matt, please check your PM's..
  22. I've been looking at a few, the Nitro is outta my price range 229.00, thanks to Fishdontlieme for the links, the Okuma is lookin pretty good, I think Burley might have sealed the deal..lol Thanks.
  23. I know some can run well into the 300.00 range..I don't have that kinda $$$ to spend on one at this time. The reel would be the Curado 201E7. Any suggestions..?
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