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Hammer 4

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Everything posted by Hammer 4

  1. Pretty much the same way I fish em. And I agree work the bait with the reel, not the rod, although I've tried giving mine a very small easy pop with my rod, but never caught any fish doing that so far.
  2. If your fishing any type of heavy cover, use the weesdless hudd 68. Hudds aren't just for rocky bottom lakes...?
  3. Yes, temps dictate how I fish them, so even at higher temps I slow roll them.
  4. I've had the best hookup slow rolling the hudds, both 6 and 8" along the bottom, as if the hudds were feeding off the bottom. Using a slightly faster retrieve yielded less bits for me. As Tom mentioned when the lakes were being stocked with trout, then a faster retrieve will work.
  5. Please keep us updated if you would. Again Praying for your Mom, and all of you.
  6. Mostly Seagur smackdown. I also use Diawa samurai in certain applications.
  7. If you have any of the 3/4 oz ones, send em to me..?
  8. Yes, you can skip from shore and from a float tube, which in my case was much easier. From either platform I used a 7' MH/F rod. In a tube it's a cakewalk being so close to the water. I've skipped swimjigs with a trailer, regular jigs, with and w/o a trailer, plus spinnerbaits. Once you get the hang of it, it's pretty easy imho.
  9. Several years ago, I spooled my Shimano Curado 301 E7 with Diawa Samurai 30# braid. The reels was mounted on a Dobyns 8' Champion swimbait rod. Maybe not so unusual, but I was throwing 6 and 8 hudds with it. The reason for the 30# braid was when I was shore fishing I needed to make super long cast's. Not once did I have any line digging in. Caught more than a few 6 and 7 lb bass. The best test was when I was fishing in Newport Harbor in my float tube with it, and hooked a nice 8 lb white sea bass, which put up a very hard fight, landed the fish without issue.
  10. Be happy to spare a minute for you and your family. Mega prayers and wishing the very best for all concerned, hopefully your Mom has a full and speedy recovery.
  11. On some of the freeways I drive, you can see where some morons were doing donuts across all 4 lanes, and some of these were done on a curve, so anyone coming down the freeway in any lane would not be able to see these clowns until it was to late. On the same note, there is a fairly large public park across from the golf course I go to. the street on both sides is littered with black tire marks from doing burnout and donuts. Most are from "car clubs" and people show up in the Hundreds. Sadly, the local law enforcement turns a blind eye. I've talked to more than a few Sheriff deputies, their answer is, we are so out numbered, that if any violence erupted they were to out numbered, I can see that, but........ Things are just totally out of control these days. I feel sorry for todays youth growing up during all this.
  12. Not just you. I see idiots all the time here, going WAY to fast both on surface streets and on the freeways, it's scary. I use to race motorcycles, going 160 mph at close quarter's. Some of these fools will change lanes within 4 feet of my truck. Can't tell you how many close calls I've had.
  13. If push comes to shove, can always dispute the charge via your bank.
  14. Since the OP didn't give any details about the pond, i.e. the type of forage, vegetation ect. I'll toss this in here. If you have bluegill that are the bass mainstay, a small bluegill lure such as the Mattlures gill will produce. I've had very good luck using them in my local ponds for years.
  15. Leave whole, but there are times when I will trim a bit off the Zako.
  16. 1/2 and 3/4 oz.
  17. $ 6.80 per Gal. for diesel here in so. Cali. At those prices and on a limited retired budget, can't afford to make those 120 + mile treks to the big lake that I love, so I'll be sticking close to home, fishing the local city park ponds..sigh
  18. As I suggested in your first post, get some good scuba fins, I prefer the split fins, much easier on the legs. Plus, they get you moving.
  19. You may not like what I'm going to say, but here goes anyway. Those fins you have, the force fins are JUNK. Trust me, I tried a pair and after 1 outing, I sold them, and split fin scuba fins. What is the hard part about fins your referring to ? Put on your fins before entering the water, walk backwards with your tube going first in the water, once your in deep enough water, just sit down, do whatever straps you have to apply and your tray, then start kicking. One thing to Never do is, to have your tray undone and move your weight to the rear of the tube, I've seen a few guys fall in the water over their heads..waders full of water is not good..lol
  20. Use it for most of my lighter lures, including t rigs, and light jigs, ect.
  21. Love my Irods. I have the Lone Star, and the swimbait jr. and the Heavy swimbait rods. The reviews on TW is what got me to try them. This probably isn't much help in answering your question, but just thought I'd share my feelings on them. As Tom mentioned, give Matt a call for specific info.
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