O.k...this may, or may not help...The city ponds I fish are Loaded with snot grass/ moss..that stuff gets on everything, yet I toss almost everything from soft plastic's to swimbaits. I try to pick my spots carefully where I cast, as there are some small spots in the ponds that are not covered in the moss..so I toss mt lure/plastic and deadstick it for 30 seconds, then retrive, trying to give myself the best possible chance for a bite.
As for spinnerbaits, and other lures, I'll toss em out and slowroll them, keeping my lure just above the weed/grass tops. I still get weeds, grass ect on my lures but hey for that period where they are still void of stuff, ya just might get bit. Btw, these ponds are very shallow, 3-5 ft deep.