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Hammer 4

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Everything posted by Hammer 4

  1. I don't care what it's called..I wanna see it..then buy it..lol
  2. I had one like that...doesn't really hurt till ya move the lure...lol Mine was a rat l trap..hope your buddy feels better.
  3. I hate you..lol man those fish sure are purdy...Good work out there.!
  4. I've used Castic, Spro BBZ, and both swim pretty good, just got my Mattlures hard bg...will take that out Thurs. I agree, those baits don't look to be all that.
  5. I find that by doing what Catt talks about or in my case something very simular..I haven't lost a t rig ect for a long time..the harder you pull, the more tangled you get.. heck, I don't mind cleaning the snotgrass off my lures anymore, I just make sure to bring a nice rag with me to wipe my hands. lol
  6. For my spinning I have spare spools, that range from 4# to 8 # test. My main spool has 8# so I have a spare to duplicate that if nessesarry.
  7. Would depend on the size of the girth on a given worm, generally 4-6" 2/0 straight shank gammy 7-10 I go to a off set 5/0 ewg gammy. Of course everyone has their own way fo rigging.. Once again for creature baits, depends on how fat they are, usually a 5/0- or larger.
  8. Not sure if I'm explained it right, but here's what I do re: jigs, or any bottom bouncer..cast out to where I think thereis a hole/clearing..that takes time in it self...I then work my jig back toward shore, when I feel resistance, I lift my rod tip up and crank a couple turns fast, I then let it down to the bottom, and repeat the process..sure your gonna get grass on them, but once you have a good idea what the bottom contains, you can reduce the gathering of grass ect on your lures. Again Note: I spend ALOT of time using a t rigged worm to find clearings or holes if you will in any given pond / lake. I hope Catt has a better, and faster way to do this..lol
  9. Cool...I was jokein about the 10lb'r..I'd think a 10" ragetail worm might entice that lunker in there.. ;D
  10. I dropshot in city park ponds that are only 5' deep. So you may want to reconside using that method. As for baits, I couldn't tell ya, but I would look at the ragetail baits, i.e the toad, craw..ect. What's the forage for the bass there..?
  11. Nice work, that lmb looks to be real healthy..
  12. Ditto..I was gonna say the same re: the RT taod... Good work Dink...but wait, I thought your gonna get your 10 lb'r this weekend..?
  13. You are confusing me with the guy with the 2 big smallies in his avatar AKA ROADWARRIOR Nope..I ain't confusing you at all..lol Look, most spinning reels toady are for the most part all good, Diawa, Pfluger, ect..as long as you don'y but the Cheap ones , you'll be o.k Some of us have just seen the light when it comes to inovation and a great warranty, hence we chose the Shimano. ;D
  14. You fishing Casitis..? I don't think the 10-2 rule counts in so. cali...LOL
  15. I voted Stradic, only cuz I'm a Die Hard Sheemano fan.. ;D And it's all Muddy's fault..lol jk.
  16. Lol...looks like he's not to sure about that fish...still good catch. As always, it's Great to see the little ones out fishing no matter what fish they catch..
  17. O.k...this may, or may not help...The city ponds I fish are Loaded with snot grass/ moss..that stuff gets on everything, yet I toss almost everything from soft plastic's to swimbaits. I try to pick my spots carefully where I cast, as there are some small spots in the ponds that are not covered in the moss..so I toss mt lure/plastic and deadstick it for 30 seconds, then retrive, trying to give myself the best possible chance for a bite. As for spinnerbaits, and other lures, I'll toss em out and slowroll them, keeping my lure just above the weed/grass tops. I still get weeds, grass ect on my lures but hey for that period where they are still void of stuff, ya just might get bit. Btw, these ponds are very shallow, 3-5 ft deep.
  18. I've used almost every brand of line, except pline, so take this witha grain of salt...Yes, I like the yozuri best. Imho, where I fish I've had good luck with it..doesn't stretch like mono, has low memory, and is pretty dang strong. Consider where you fish, and the type of fishing you do..obviously some types of fishing require braid ect, i.e. flippin in heavy brush ect.
  19. I'm with Matt on this one..if you guys think the WFN ect is bad, try watching motorcycle roadracing (AMA) compared to it's Euro counter part, I hate the announcers, but am truely glad I can watch it vs not watching it...btw, vs still shows older (2007 and newer) tourny's.
  20. The Mojo weights, which are cylinrical do hang up in rocky areas, at least in my case, they do go through weeds ect, better..don't recall what size I have..
  21. I have both the clear, and the green mist..I can see the green mist much better when it's out of water, plus RW said it works better or something..? lol The clear I have because they were out of green in 10 lb..anywho, I prefer the green mist, cuz these Old eyes ain't what they use to be,,lol
  22. Thanks for the RT lobster info..nice work gettin all those fish.. Re: tresspassing....gotta love Texas..
  23. X 2..Lay the spool on it's side..keeping slight pressure on the line as it goes on the reel, be it a spinning, or baitcaster.
  24. Bama..All I can tell you is what I've expienced, which is I buy the 275 yd spools, the second spool I got did the same thing yours did after 1 cast, I had to cut the line. I then went and bought another spool of 12lb and it was fine, could have been a really old spool or something..? Now I spool up one of my baitcasters with 10 lb, and my other with 12, no problems so far, and I don't even usr my KVD line conditioner on them..So maybe try another spool.
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