I have an older Extrem..If this is yourm first baitcaster, set the brakes on the highest, the spool friction knob which is on the same side as the crank, tighten it down, with a 3/8 oz lure ties to the rig, Slowly loosen the spool friction knob until the lure Slowly drops, and leave it there..Your cast's won't real long, but it will help with backlashes/ birdnest's..Use your thimb as a brake i.e. feather the spool, apply pressure as soon as your bait hits the water...and the word of the day here is..Practice, Practice, and more practice.
Until you can cast alot without any problems, you can then slowly back off the brake if needed, and you can do the same with the spool friction knob..Be aware if you back off the friction to much, it creates a space between the frame and spool, and there's a chance your line can get wraped up in there, so take baby steps when making adjustments.
Have Fun!