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Hammer 4

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Everything posted by Hammer 4

  1. Having lived in So. Cali for over 70 years, I've felt the havoc that mother nature can muster up, i.e. earth quakes. Unless I see my house start falling apart, I don't pay to much attention to em, guess we have been lucky so far, shoot, hope I didn't just jinx myself..lol
  2. Praying Mantis. Great for keeping bugs in check.
  3. Bump the braid up to 50, 30 isn't gonna cut it in the heavy stuff. Trust me on this one...?
  4. Gotcha.
  5. After fishing for awhile, you'll find out what works best for you guys. Have fun.
  6. Will do, and yep, that's the plan.
  7. GREAT news, Dee made through the surgery very well. She still has a ways to go yet, but this gives here even more of a Fighting chance. And once again THANK YOU all for the well wishes and Prayers, they do work.
  8. Standard size framing hammer that 99.99% of us used.
  9. Yes, a Trained thumb can save you lots of headaches, and some $$ too.
  10. Being that I've done that, I'll take # 1. I actually split my nail when I smacked it with 32 oz hammer..
  11. Why not grab the Tatula 200, TW list's the same price as the 150.
  12. Well if you need someone to talk to, I'm here. Hang in there brother..
  13. Oh man, I know the feeling. Praying for you and Lynn, hoping things turn around for the better. Gotta stay strong.
  14. You don't say if you fish open water, or structure. Lets assume open water. 6'6" spinning. I'd go with 4 lb, either mono or fluro. 7' MF, you could go as light as 6 lb, or better yet 8 lb which is what I use. 7' mhf. 10 to 14 lb test.
  15. So, this morning at 6 am, the ambulance showed up as Dee was in major pain. Turns out she has a perforated intestine, from all the chemo. She is going into surgery in about 10 mins. to repair it. The scary part: This is a very Risky surgery for her. I'm not scared of a lot of things, but this has me scared, but I'm trying my best to stay strong, and I'm doing a ton of praying.
  16. None of the lakes in So. Cali are all that big compared to the rest of the USA.
  17. Says 88 here, after the last 2 days, 88 doesn't feel anywhere near hot. Y'all stay cool, or warm as the case may be. Have a great day.
  18. See the post below yours..
  19. From shore I use a 20 " leader, if to short the bait will sit on the bottom due to the angle of your line. Use a pencil weight, less snags vs a teardrop weight.
  20. Probably shoulda put this in the Rods, Reels and Line forum. ?
  21. 14 lb mono. If I'm fishing in open water, I'll drop down to 10 or 12 lb mono.
  22. Irene is gonna make an appearance soon..
  23. Just thought I'd post a pic of what I use to do as a hobby some 18 years ago.
  24. Sure sounds like the reel is Over filled, as said above Stop at the bevels, make sure the line is wound tightly on the spool.
  25. I'm thinking that you may have had an abrasion on your line. The reason I say that is because I've landed a couple 5+ lb'rs on 6 lb Yozuri and even spotted bay bass which fight much harder that LMB.. I would suggest that you check you line often, especially fishing from shore, where there may be stuff under water that you can't see. Also, did the line brake at the knot or up from the knot ? Maybe go up to the 8 lb line. I assume your using spinning gear ? Check you knots often too.
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