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Hammer 4

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Everything posted by Hammer 4

  1. Sending prayers your way, for you and your Dad.
  2. All mine are gone. No problems on any of them.
  3. A body at rest, stays at rest, a body in motion, stays in motion.
  4. Only time I have cash, is when I need to buy diesel fuel for my truck. Paying an extra 10 cents per gal for using a card adds up over time.
  5. The longer leader is the key here.
  6. Was a Big Deep Purple fan many years ago. Saw them along with Yurai Heap (sp) and Buddy Miles in Long Beach, CA.
  7. Be advised RE: contractors calling folks after a huge storm. A legit contractor will NOT call you, the ones calling are fly by night scam artists. They will give a estimate, then ask for a sizable deposit, if you write them a check, they will high tail it straight to your bank, cash the check and never to be seen again. If you have friends or family in the area that suffered damage, Please tell them to ignore these fools.
  8. Yeah, good to hear you guys are o.k. for the most part Mike.
  9. Good way to catch em on a spinnerbait is if you have any stumps, laydowns, ect. Cast that sucker so it hits the stump, ect. then hang on.. I've caught dozens of bass by doing that.
  10. Welcome to BR. I've fished nearly every city park pond/lake in the O.C. and L.A. You may want to check out Ralph B. Clark park if you haven't already.
  11. Sure would like to hear from Mike L. And anyone who is in the area.
  12. Gotta say, Lynn looks Very determined to beat this thing. Love the pic of her..!!!
  13. Andy, just wondering how Lynn is doing. Still thinking about you guys, and keeping both of you in my prayers. I really hope she is doing better.
  14. Route 66..
  15. I saw some of the damage on the news. Hope all is well for you guys.
  16. Depending on the " ground" any dry surface has the potential to Remove a fish's slime coat, which in turn leaves them vulnerable to parasite invasion, and disease.. If a bass is laid down on WET grass, probably the fish is o.k.. Even dry hands when holding a fish in the horizontal position can remove the slime coat. I learned long ago to make sure I wet my hands before lipping my fish.
  17. Hope all of you stay Safe. Can't imagine what it's like to through something like that.
  18. When you say, realistic, are you talking about the looks, or the swimming action ? I choose mine on the swimming action. I've caught 6+lb bass on a drab bone colored glide bait. One that I like and it doesn't cost an arm and a leg, is the Storm Arashi, and the river to sea s-waver.
  19. Never used a swimbait on my spinnerbaits, and over the years I've caught 100's of quality bass without a trailer.
  20. My only requirement is that it be a 8 speed reel. To be fair, I use more than 1 reel, from a 6 speed to an 8 speed.
  21. Hammer 4

    Car horns

    Same goes for phones here in Cali. but that doesn't stop Stupid people from doing it. Had a lady in the Fast lane on the freeway, texting, I guess she had a problem or something, so what does she do, hits her dang brakes, which is really stupid, when cars are going 70+ mph.. And not to mention idiots swerving in their lane while using their phones. BTW, the horn on my truck hasn't worked for nearly 2 years, which I really need to get it fixed. When I'm in my truck on the road, my 1 and Only task is to Drive as safely as possible.
  22. So, Dee has been in the hospital for 1 1/2 weeks now. MRI shows her intestine is healing nicely. But being bed ridden for over 2 weeks, she now has to almost learn to walk. So the hospital transferred her to a rehab facility today. Her stay there depends on her progress. One thing is for certain, she looks a lot better, being that she is able to eat, and keep it down solid food, even her speech is almost normal, which is a good thing due my being hard of hearing..lol And yes.... once again I'd like to Thank each and every one of you folks for being so awesome, in sending prayers and good vibes her way. I hope A-Jays wife Lynn, is seeing some progress, and I hope she is feeling o.k.
  23. Sky is on fire. Taken at the golf driving range. Sorry bout the netting.
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