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Everything posted by basspro05

  1. Go north through W bridge. It is the first big creek to the west…atleast that’s what people called it when I used to fish up there.
  2. Thanks Senile1! I think there is something to be said for running something until the wheels fall off of it!
  3. Do you know anywhere to get replacement reel handles for these 200e7? A guy I was fishing with stepped on it and bent it. Other than that it’s pretty well ready to go.
  4. I really appreciate all the input from everyone. Tons of great input!
  5. I will definetly look into upgrading, I’ve been out of fishing so long, I didn’t know these aftermarket upgrades were out there! Nothing really wrong with them. I just really wanted to know what I might be missing out on performance wise…these were $100-$200 reels 10+ years ago. I’m just trying to find out if they are in the dark ages performance wise. If a modern $79 reel will outperform these then it’s time to move on!
  6. I realize that a reel will hold line and cast regardless of age, I’m just wondering what has improved in the last 10+ years…am I going to see greatly improved casting distance, smoothness, drag? Compared to these older models. gen 1 revo premiers gen 1 revo sc (cabelas exclusive) gen 1 revo stx curado 200e7 citica 200s (circa 2005-2007)
  7. I purchased most of the reels I own between 2008-2012. I was out of fishing from 2015 until just recently. I have not kept up with advancements in fishing gear in over 6 years. I own several first generation revos and older shimano citicas and curados. I am either going to start replacing these reels with newer models, or buy some replacement parts and get them rebuilt. Am I wasting time and money on these older reels? Have the newer reels advanced enough that these old ones aren’t worth messing with?
  8. Im sorry to hear that man! but most importantly atleast you have a roof over your head, you will be able to adapt. I wish my house would have worked out better for you, the garage was 22'10" deep, used to back my skeeter back in the garage with 4" to spare, and my wifes car next to it plenty of space. What kind of boat do you have?
  9. Man those first times sharing moments with your kids, I remember all mine like yesterday. First cold pizza slice isnt actually one of them, but trying to beat my mom to the cold pizza leftovers is one of them. What else on that list... First boat ride First airplane trip First water slide First beer w/ the old man First "J" w/ the old man First time driving Gotta cherish the good times
  10. Its a toss up between Kevin VanDam, Brent Chapman, Steve Kennedy, and Ike
  11. My original point is, the fish do not care what you are wearing when you catch them. Stylish clothing is just another thing you do not need to worry about as a beginning angler. I won the Angler of the Year title in the MSTA tournament circuit and I wore crocs every tournament, by wearing crocs does that make me not serious? My point is, that guys get to hung up on the little details that are not important when they are fishing tournaments. Kevin VanDam is not good because he has matching clothes ;D
  12. I find that what I wear helps me catch more fish... I am totally kidding, it doesn't matter what you wear, just wear something that is comfortable you will be standing for 8 or 9 hours. I only have a couple of small sponsors, and they are on my tournament shirt, but my tournament shirt has never had anything to do with my fishing skills. Some of my best finishes were days that I was wearing a ratty old t shirt and jeans.
  13. I am researching an antique lamp for my grandparents, they thought it was a tiffany, but I have found that it is a Bradley and Hubbard, I know that it is 75+ years old my grandparents have had it in their house since 1955 and my grandmas dad had it for probably 40 years before that. I know this is a fishing forum, but there has to be one bass fisherman who knows his or her antiques. Thank you.
  14. That would go either way, if Chevy, Ford, or Dodge had the advantage they would be forced to restrict the engines performance too, its not just a Toyota thing
  15. That is whats wrong with this country everyone seems to have given up, I still search for products made in America, of course you are right I still have to purchase some foreign made products, but if everyone took the extra initiative to purchase American products you could help alot of American workers. Sam Adams is probably my beer of choice now after I do some more research and make sure they truely are an American company. I can not purchase all American products, but my Falcon rods, my New Balance shoes on my feet, my redwing boots, my carhartt jacket, my Klein tools, and every other American product I purchase keeps American people, your neighbors, at work. If everyone would start checking tags and looking for a country of origin, maybe spending a few extra pennies, this country would still have some of its pride. Im sure I am going to get a bunch of crap for expressing my opinion, but I want whats good for my neighbors and myself. Just my 2 cents.
  16. I drank my last budweiser, time to start supporting the local microbreweries, I am sick of sending my money overseas.
  17. PBR not joking a beer of choice among myself and a buddy, Boulevard Wheat, Bud Select, Bud Light, Sierra Nevada, Shock Top Belgium White, Killian's, hell i drink them all and enjoy most of them
  18. Rock Chalk Jayhawk...........KUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU!!!!!!!!!!! Shotguns are blasting fireworks are flying in KC, i would hate to see what Lawrence looks like. Its about time for the hawks
  19. Situation: Pro-Am tournament, Pro and Amateur fishing for combined weight( or as a team). As a non-boater you draw a boater, the fishing is very tough and it wont take more than about 10 pounds to win and a 4 lb fish will get you a good check. Tourney is from 7am-3pm. At noon your boater has given up, is listening to his radio eating lunch with his feet kicked up. He won't run the trolling motor and the wind is blowing around everywhere. He makes cell phone calls to make plans for his evening. You being the die hard fisherman you are has to pitch a lure at the same stump for 2 hours, because your boater has given up and you havent yet. In the end you were forced to quit early, because the boater quit at 2:30, you blank and dont earn any points, and your $100 entry fee is down the drain. What would you have done or said in this situation?
  20. Flechero must be a Dave Ramsey listener, right on! I would go with the full size dodge for the money reasons if you are dead set on buying new. And if your not overworking the v6 it will last longer than running another weaker engine full out all the time.
  21. Jayhawks!!!!!!!!1
  22. Rock Chalk Jayhawk, KUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU!!!!!
  23. Sung by a hat act, we need another no hats tour from travis tritt, you cant just put a cowboy hat on and sing pop music and call it country, thats besides the post though sorry for getting off subject.
  24. Right now my favorite lure has to be the 1/2 oz Magnum Belly dancin' jig in the fuscia shad color made by P&K custom baits, I have been using it like a swim jig and the fish have been killing it more so than the spinnerbaits my buddies have been throwing behind me.
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