Hello Fellow Chunk & Winders, Lip-Rippers, and Jerkbaiters:
New to the board after utilizing (viewing) the 'resource for quite some time now. Decided to go ahead and start socializing...I used to spend quite a bit of time on RiverSmallies and would like to start visiting here on a regular basis.
I am from Central Indiana and have been fishing for 19 years, "seriously" for the last 9 years (if there is such a thing?). In addition to fishing rivers and lakes in Hoosierland, I also frequent the highland impoundments and flow-controlled rivers of Eastern Tennessee. While catching smallmouths is probably my favorite pastime, I enjoy fishing for many different species.
I fish out of a 14' "redneck but quality" converted johnboat/bassboat, a 12' riveted river john, a 13'11" canoe, and a 9.5' kayak. Whilest I try to constantly improve and find success with a variety of techniques, I would say spinnerbaiting shallow cover (grew up watching Jimmy Houston) and pitching jigs are probably my favorite bass techniques.
In my years, I've probably caught enough 4-4.15 lb. bass to fill the back of my truck, but I've never broken the 5-lb. mark for a smallmouth or a green bass. I know the Southern guys will laugh at the least...But I've certainly tried hard :-[
For the 2009 season, my fishing goals are to improve my catch rate with suspending jerkbaits, spend more time finding good offshore structure in my local lakes, and to increase my night-fishing during the summertime.
Aside from the fishing traits, I enjoy waterfowl hunting, drag-racing, and I work for the U.S. Department of Agriculture. I am volunteering for some local watershed advisory boards and am trying to be the voice for our angling brethren and sportsmen in my county and surrounding area. I will continue to advocate for "conservation and the American angler" in every outlet I find throughout my career...
Thank you and I'm looking forward to contributing and learning much more from the members of the Bass Resource.